[Minorcompositions] Riotous Epistemology. Imaginary Power, Art, and Insurrection
Minor Compositions
minorcompositions at gmail.com
Mon Sep 16 11:34:17 UTC 2019
Now available for direct ordering and/or free download…
Riotous Epistemology. Imaginary Power, Art, and Insurrection
Richard Gilman-Opalsky & Stevphen Shukaitis
Riots. Revolts. Revolutions. All flashing moments which throw the world
– and our relationship with it – into question. For centuries people
have pinned their hopes on radical political change, on turning worlds
upside down. But all too often the ever-renewed dream of changing the
world for the better has ended either in failure or has been crushed.
Riotous Epistemology explores the significance of taking seriously the
intellect of revolt, uprising as thinking, art as upheaval, and other
forms of philosophy from below. To theorize revolt and subversive art
practices as philosophy from below, it is necessary to refute
conventional understandings of art and philosophy.
PDF available freely online: http://www.minorcompositions.info/?p=965
Ordering Information: Available direct from Minor Compositions now for
the special price of £10.
Release to the book trade Winter 2019
76 pages, hand risograph-printed, A5 Trim
UK: £12 / US: $15
ISBN 978-157027-359-9
Released by Minor Compositions (Colchester / Brooklyn / Port Watson) and
the Journal of Aesthetics & Protest Press (Leipzig)
Minor Compositions is a series of interventions
& provocations drawing from autonomous politics,
avant-garde aesthetics, and the
revolutions of everyday life.
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