[Minorcompositions] Ideas Arrangements Effects: Systems Design and Social Justice

Minor Compositions minorcompositions at gmail.com
Sat May 2 09:35:07 UTC 2020

Now available for direct ordering and/or free download…

*Ideas Arrangements Effects: Systems Design and Social Justice*
The Design Studio for Social Intervention
Foreword by Arturo Escobar

A guide for using design principles to inform and shape radical politics

Ideas are embedded in social arrangements, which in turn produce effects.

With this simple premise, this radically accessible systems design book 
makes a compelling case for arrangements as a rich and overlooked 
terrain for social justice and world building. Unpacking how ideas like 
racism and sexism remain sturdy by embedding themselves in everything 
from physical and social infrastructure to everyday speech and thought 
habits, this book gives readers the tools to sense, intervene in and 
imagine new arrangements. Using diverse examples from their work and 
others, DS4SI offers readers a roadmap for using social interventions to 
invite the larger public into imagining and creating a more just and 
vibrant world.

“Throughout their work, DS4SI strives to enact the principle that design 
is not just about problem-solving within existing paradigms and social 
orders, it is about world building, about imagining and constructing new 
territories of life and difference… This is design’s imagination at its 
best, the grounds for a genuinely transformative design praxis. It is a 
route to disclosing new worlds and bringing them into existence.” – 
Arturo Escobar, author of Designing the Pluriverse
“As we face this dire moment of climate change, tyranny, mass extinction 
and international war on the global scale, and poverty, housing 
shortages, and stagnant wages at home, we need tools that we can use to 
address these problems, and it can’t be just the same old tools we’ve 
been using all along. This is where this excellent guide to 
ideas-arrangements-effects comes in.” – Mindy Thompson Fullilove, author 
of Root Shock: How Tearing Up City Neighborhoods Hurts America, and What 
We Can Do About It

Bio: The Design Studio for Social Intervention is dedicated to changing 
how social justice is imagined, developed and deployed in the United 
States. Situated at the intersections of design practice, social 
justice, public art, and popular engagement, DS4SI designs and tests 
social interventions with and on behalf of marginalized populations, 
controversies and ways of life. Founded in 2005 and based in Boston, 
DS4SI is a space where activists, artists, academics and the larger 
public come together to imagine new approaches to social change and new 
solutions to complex social issues.

PDF available freely online: https://www.minorcompositions.info/?p=991

Ordering Information: Available direct from Minor Compositions now for 
the special price
of £10.

Release to the book trade June 2020

Minor Compositions is a series of interventions
& provocations drawing from autonomous politics,
avant-garde aesthetics, and the
revolutions of everyday life.


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