[Minorcompositions] [EXTERNAL] Minorcompositions Digest, Vol 45, Issue 1
Ilaria Vanni Accarigi
Ilaria.Vanni at uts.edu.au
Wed Jun 26 21:21:43 UTC 2024
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Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2024 11:07:51 AM
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Subject: [EXTERNAL] Minorcompositions Digest, Vol 45, Issue 1
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Today's Topics:
1. The Wages of Dreamwork. Class Composition & the Social
Reproduction of Cultural Labor (Minor Compositions)
Message: 1
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 12:07:35 +0100
From: Minor Compositions <minorcompositions at gmail.com>
To: minorcompositions at lists.aktivix.org
Subject: [Minorcompositions] The Wages of Dreamwork. Class Composition
& the Social Reproduction of Cultural Labor
Message-ID: <48ddfe40-d5e1-4763-8cd3-6c470b858a4a at gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"
Now available for direct ordering and/or free download?
*The Wages of Dreamwork. Class Composition & the Social Reproduction of
Cultural Labor*
Stevphen Shukaitis & Joanna Figiel
Surviving as a cultural or artistic worker in the city has never been
easy. Creative workers find themselves celebrated as engines of economic
growth, economic recovery and urban revitalization even as the
conditions for our continued survival becomes more precarious. How can
you make a living today in such a situation? That is, how to hold
together the demands of paying the rent and bills while managing all the
tasks necessary to support one?s practice? How to manage the tensions
between creating spaces for creativity and imagination while working
through the constraints posed by economic conditions?
In a more traditional workplace it is generally easy to distinguish
between those who planned and managed the labor process and those who
were involved in its executions: between the managers and the managed.
For creative workers these distinctions become increasingly hard to
make. Today the passionate and self-motivated labor of the artisan
increasingly becomes the model for a self-disciplining, self-managed
labor force that works harder, longer, and often for less pay precisely
because of its attachment to some degree of personal fulfillment in
forms of engaging work. And that ain?t no way to make a living, having
to struggle three times as hard for just to have a sense of engagement
in meaningful work.
/The Wages of Dreamwork/ investigates how cultural workers in the modern
metropolis manage these competing tensions and demands. Does the
cultural economy treat you as a tool? If so, perhaps it?s time to
rethink how to down tools in this metropolitan factory.
*Bio:* Stevphen Shukaitis is Reader in Culture & Organization at the
University of Essex and is co-director of the Centre for Commons
Organizing, Values, Equalities and Resilience. He is the author of
/Imaginal Machines: Autonomy & Self-Organization in the Revolutions of
Everyday Day/ (2009), /The Composition of Movements to Come: Aesthetics
and Cultural Labor After the Avant-Garde/ (2016), /Combination Acts.
Notes on Collective Practice in the Undercommons/ (2019). His research
focuses on the emergence of collective imagination in social movements
and the changing compositions of cultural and artistic labor.
Joanna Figiel works and lives in Warszawa and London. Her research
focuses on the changing compositions of labor, precarity, and policy in
the creative and cultural sectors. Joanna also works as a translator.
She collaborates with Fundacja B?c Zmiana, and in the past she has
worked with groups including the Citizen?s Forum for Contemporary Art in
Poland and the PWB in the UK, as well as the Free/Slow University of
Warsaw and the ArtLeaks collective.
PDF available freely online: https://www.minorcompositions.info/?p=1314<https://www.minorcompositions.info/?p=1314>
Ordering Information: Available direct from Minor Compositions site.
Release to the book trade 24 November 2024
Review copies available.
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