[pagan-magik] checking in

Casparian Aremi casp at wiccauk.com
Sat Nov 13 11:01:45 GMT 2004

Hi all,
I'm Casp, I'm 23 and live in London with my boyfriend.  I'm Pagan, no 
specific path.  I'm interested in activism and socialism.  I help out 
with Indymedia UK and occasionally present their weekly radio show in 
London (haven't been able to for a couple of weeks but finally get to 
join in again this Wednesday!).
I set up a website called WiccaUK a few years ago and it's really taken 
off, now with over 4000 members and a huge variety of paths and 
experience levels on there.  Link is in my sig :)

Looking forward to being part of this list,

WiccaUK: The Pagan Network
w: http://www.wiccauk.com
t: 0845 456 1870
p: BM WiccaUK, London, WC1N 3XX

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