[pagan-magik] Saving Iceland

Adrian Harris adrian at gn.apc.org
Tue Aug 9 11:18:31 BST 2005

I don't think I've posted this to the list, though I hope some at least
already know about it.

We are all drawn to particular campaigns, and this is one I am putting
energy into. If anyone would like to help with magic, fundraising, actions
in UK, etc, let me know. I'm keen to set up a London Iceland Action group -
or join one if it exists.

Here is is the initial call for help:


The Icelandic highlands are the last great expanse of true wilderness left
in Western Europe. Now the country’s hydro-electric potential has been
targeted by multinational corporations, who intend to establish large scale
heavy industry in these hitherto pristine hinterlands. These multinational
vandals - willingly helped by the Icelandic government - are about to
produce an environmental catastrophe of unprecedented proportions. 

A series of gigantic dams is already under construction at Karahnjukar, in
the eastern highlands of Iceland. These dams are designated solely to
generate energy for one massive Alcoa aluminium smelter to be built by
war-profiteers Bechtel in the pristine fjord of Reydarfjordur, due to be
operational in 2007. The national grid will not derive a single kilowatt
for domestic use. The natural habitat of many rare and endangered plants
and animals will be submerged, lost, destroyed. 

Other aluminium corporations - such as Rio Tinto Zinc (RTZ) - are greedily
lining up for the cheap energy supply promised by future hydro-electric dam
projects planned all over the Icelandic highlands. Incredibly, some areas
earmarked for destruction - such as Kringilsarrani and Thjorsarver in the
southern highlands - are protected under Icelandic and international law.
All are of outstanding natural beauty and their unique botanical,
geological, biological and ecological characteristics are of universal
scientific importance. 

Thus far the Icelandic government has not hesitated to use tactics such as
personal threats and professional persecution against individuals who
oppose its energy policies, and Icelandic environmentalists are preparing
for a difficult battle that they predict will not be won overnight. The
support of international environmentalists and their participation in the
2005 gathering/conference will be of paramount importance in that battle. 

There is a growing awareness amongst the Icelandic population that the
Karahnjukar dams are ill-fated. The immense problems entailed in their
construction and the massive scale of the ensuing environmental destruction
is becoming clearer every day. 

However it is not too late: The Karahnjukar dam construction is already
falling behind schedule. Experts concur that 90% of the irreversible
environmental damage will be done only when the water floods the land -
projected for 2006 but now likely to be later. 

The longer the construction of the dams goes on the less time the land
destroyers have and the more time WE have to stop them. 

Nobody can afford to allow the divine Icelandic dragon of flowers and ice
to be devastated by the deadly hand of corporate greed. 

The international gathering is projected for July 2005 (after the G8) and
will take place in the dam-affected area. For more information and to
indicate your interest in joining us please email
beautiful_iceland at yahoo.co.uk


Pixie - AKA Andrea - one of the Tribe of Bridgid - was or is at the protest

Latest news - I got this last week as I was thinking of going to the camp too:

>At the moment things are a bit up in the air and situation at the camp is
>tense; it's surrounded with police and nobody is able to move unless being 
>followed by cops....We are hoping to get some international media coverage
for that one to raise awareness about what is happening.
>We are already looking towards next summer and need help organizing,
>and letting people know that there will be another protest camp going on.
>solidarity actions, fundraising events and campaigns are deeply appreciated.


There's more on their website:

I've put up a page on the Dragon site:

There are Asatru pagans involved, and I've passed on details of the Dragon

I'll keep you posted if you like.

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