[pagan-magik] [Fwd: FW: [Action2-l] Should UNHCR - offices should be picketed on 2nd April]

evol at c6.org evol at c6.org
Wed Feb 23 17:17:10 GMT 2005

>To: action2-l @ mail.kein.org
>Subject: [Action2-l] Should UNHCR - offices should be picketed on 2nd April

>Should UNHCR - offices should be picketed on 2nd April
>Many NGOs have been raising concerns about UNHCR over the years in that 
they are part of the problem not the solution. Complaints against UNHCR
are  many, refusal to update country information, circulating information
which  is in correct, corruption/discrimination/ unfairness in deciding
refugee  applications. In particular their involvement in DR Congo at the
>A new website has been set up to campaign against the UNHCRs lack of
basic  fairness safeguards.
>The following text is from UNHCR-RSD.org
>Every year in dozens of countries, the UN refugee agency decides the fate
 of more than 50,000 people seeking safety from persecution, especially
in  the Middle East, Southeast Asia and Africa.
>UNHCR's refugee status determination (RSD) procedures generally lack 
independent appeal, rely routinely on secret evidence, and fail to give 
rejected asylum-seekers an explanation for their rejection.
>Nearly every independent assessment of UNHCR's RSD procedures has raised 
serious concerns, chiefly about lack of basic fairness safeguards. In a 
procedure that can have life or death consequences, UNHCR typically 
withholds most evidence from scrutiny (secret evidence), fails to give 
reasons for rejection, and does not provide an independent appeal. Some 
UNHCR offices have resisted asylum-seekers' rights to legal
>  These problems have occurred despite the fact that UNHCR has issued clear
>advice to governments that asylum-seekers are entitled to all of these 
rights, and others, in RSD procedures.
>Action2-l mailing list
>Action2-l at mail.kein.org

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