[pagan-magik] UP! 007// Volcanoes of Anger// sept 2, 05

fraser fraser at parallel-youniversity.com
Thu Sep 1 20:34:52 BST 2005


surely it wouldn’t be unfair to put SOME of the 
blame on “president” bush for the louisiana 
unpreparedness.  150,000 troops and untold 
billions of bucks tied up in iraq, an obsession 
with exterminating terrorists instead of dealing 
with the real causes, a commercially driven 
refusal to admit to global warming, to do 
anything about real poverty (in the US as well as the world), the list goes on.

but, talking of ‘real causes’, way way deeper 
than all this is how thin american culture turns 
out to be.  at the first sign of technical 
breakdown a skin deep ‘civilisation’ evaporates 
and pure individualist anarchy breaks out.  this 
didn’t happen with the tsunami.  one HAS to 
conclude that the 3rd world people of that area 
are, quite simply, more civilised.  goddess helps 
us all!  imagine the conversations right now in 
smoke filled board rooms across the globe.

and, as for blaming the disaster on bush, well, 
that’s a LOT more likely than some other theories 
that are surfacing (oops, wrong word!).  american 
christians are blaming it on gays!  "Although the 
loss of lives is deeply saddening, this act of 
God destroyed a wicked city" says Repent 
America’s director Michael Marcavage.  personally 
I doubt that the goddess takes revenge, but She 
can sure as hell close down “president” bush’s 
Iran Invasion with the merest puff.
UP! The fact that no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist.

u cant understand the world without innerstanding yourself
up! 0007 // SEPT 2, 05
la- la- la- lap-toppling da system!
u cant innerstand yourself without understanding the world

Volcanoes Of Anger
"Until we feel security you will be our targets 
and, until you stop the bombing, gassing, 
imprisonment and torture of my people, we will 
not stop this fight.  We are at war and I am a 
soldier," said Mohammad Sidique Khan in a 
videotape aired by an Arab TV channel on Thursday.

"The lands and interests of the countries which 
took part in the aggression against Palestine, 
Iraq and Afghanistan are targets for us.  Just as 
they made rivers of blood flow in our countries, 
we will make volcanoes of anger erupt in their countries.

“Thousands like me have forsaken everything for 
what we believe in.  Our driving motivation does 
not come from tangible commodities that this world has to offer.

"Our words are dead until we give them life with our blood.

"Your democratically elected governments continue 
to commit atrocities against my people over the world.

"We warned you (before), but it seems you want us 
to make you taste death in all its horror.  Taste 
some of what you made us taste.

"Blair has brought disaster to his people in the 
middle of their capital, and he shall bring more.

Al Zawahri described London bombings as a "slap" 
for the British Prime Minister’s policy, saying 
that these operations had "taken the battle to 
the enemy's land.  The lands and interests of the 
countries which took part in the aggression 
against Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan are targets for us."
UP!  It's a thankless job, but I've got a lot of Karma to burn off.

Does an Iraqi/Afghani/Palestinian have
a) the legal right/duty
b) the moral right/duty
to fight back against the illegal occupation of his country?

Does a citizen of the Invading country have
a) the legal right/duty
b) the moral right/duty
to fight back against the illegal occupation of another country?
UP!  What am I?  Flypaper for freaks!?

“The whole problem with the world is that fools 
and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, 
and wiser people so full of doubts.”  Bertrand 
Russell, philosopher, mathematician, author, Nobel laureate (1872-1970)
UP!  I like you. You remind me of myself when I was young and stupid.

Police Chief Says
Lockerbie Evidence Was Faked
Marcello Mega
A former Scottish police chief has given lawyers 
a signed statement claiming that key evidence in 
the Lockerbie bombing trial was fabricated.

The retired officer - of assistant chief 
constable rank or higher - has testified that the 
CIA planted the tiny fragment of circuit board 
crucial in convicting a Libyan for the 1989 mass 
murder of 270 people.  He gave the statement to 
lawyers representing Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al 
Megrahi, currently serving a life sentence in Greenock Prison.

The claims pose a potentially devastating threat 
to the reputation of the entire Scottish legal system.

The officer, who was a member of the Association 
Of Chief Police Officers Scotland, is supporting 
earlier claims by a former CIA agent that his 
bosses "wrote the script" to incriminate Libya.

Asked why he had not come forward before, he 
admitted he'd been wary of breaking ranks, afraid of being vilified.

The vital evidence in Megrahi’s conviction was a 
tiny fragment of circuit board which 
investigators “found” in a wooded area many miles 
from Lockerbie months after the atrocity.  It was 
later identified by the FBI's Thomas Thurman as 
being part of a sophisticated timer device used 
to detonate explosives, and manufactured by the 
Swiss firm Mebo, which supplied it only to Libya 
and the East German Stasi.  At one time, Megrahi, 
a Libyan intelligence agent, was such a regular 
visitor to Mebo that he had his own office in the 
firm's headquarters.  The fragment of circuit 
board therefore seemed to place Libya - and 
Megrahi - at the heart of the investigation.

However, Thurman was later unmasked as a fraud 
who’d given false evidence in American murder 
trials.  It also emerged that he had little in 
the way of scientific qualifications.

It has long been rumoured the fragment was 
planted to implicate Libya for political reasons.
 >> it was obvious all along.  if you swallowed 
this hook line & sinker you hadn’t been reading 
the UP! for long nor thinking for yourself.  (of 
course the UP! didn’t exist then)

"This has been a political court case, where the 
verdict already was decided upon in advance", a 
shocked Professor Köchler, UN-observer, at the 
Scottish Lockerbie court in the Netherlands.

The first suspects in the case were the 
Syrian-led Popular Front for the Liberation of 
Palestine - General Command (PFLP-GC).  But the 
first Gulf War altered diplomatic relations with 
Middle East nations, and Libya became the pariah state.

Following the trial, legal observers from around 
the world, including senior United Nations 
officials, expressed disquiet about the verdict 
and the conduct of the proceedings at Camp Zeist, 
Holland.  Those doubts were first fuelled when 
internal documents emerged from the offices of 
the US Defence Intelligence Agency, dated 1994, 
more than two years after the Libyans were 
identified to the world as the bombers, which 
still described the PFLP-GC as the Lockerbie bombers.

A source close to Megrahi's defence said: 
"Britain and the US were telling the world it was 
Libya, but in their private communications they 
acknowledged that they knew it was the 
PFLP-GC.  The case is starting to unravel largely 
because when they wrote the script, they never 
expected to have to act it out.  Nobody expected 
agreement for a trial to be reached, but it was, 
and in preparing a manufactured case, mistakes were made."
 >> why did Gaddafi surrender the guy?  well, he 
wouldn’t necessarily know the truth, and anyway 
can a political leader be expected to allow his 
whole country to be cut off from the 
international community for the honour of one 
man?!  wotta choice for Gaddafi!  arab leaders 
are faced with such terrible choices every day!

Dr Jim Swire, whose daughter Flora was killed in 
the atrocity, said last night: "I am aware that 
there have been doubts about how some of the 
evidence in the case came to be presented in 
court.  It is in all our interests that areas of 
doubt are thoroughly examined."
UP! This isn't an office.  It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.

On the Internet, Nobody Knows You're a Bot
WinHoldEm, the first commercially available 
autoplaying poker software, wins real money while 
you get on with your emails....
Wired September 2005
UP! You are validating my inherent mistrust of strangers.

Bush's Option:
Escalate the War in Iraq!
     Norman Solomon
     That might seem unlikely, even 
farfetched.  After all, the “president” is facing 
an upsurge of domestic opposition to the 
war.  Under such circumstances, why would he escalate it?

A big ongoing factor is that Bush and his top 
aides seem to believe in red-white-and-blue 
violence with a fervour akin to religiosity.  For 
them, the Pentagon's capacity to destroy is some 
kind of sacrament.  And even if more troops 
aren't readily available for duty in Iraq, huge 
supplies of aircraft and missiles are available 
to step up the killing from the air.

While the growth of antiwar sentiment is apparent 
in the USA, much of the criticism - especially 
what's spotlighted in news media - is based on 
distress that American casualties are continuing 
without any semblance of victory.  In effect, 
many commentators see the problem as a grievous 
failure to kill enough of the bad guys and sufficiently intimidate the rest.
     (Bypassing the euphemisms preferred by many 
liberal pundits, George Will wrote in a 
Washington Post column on April 7, 2004, that 
"every door American troops crash through, every 
civilian bystander shot - there will be many - 
will make matters worse, for a 
while.  Nevertheless, the first task of the 
occupation remains the first task of government: 
to establish a monopoly on violence.")
     A lot of what sounds like opposition to the 
war is more like opposition to losing the 
war.  Consider how Philadelphia Inquirer 
columnist Trudy Rubin concluded a piece on Sunday 
that disparaged Bush and his war policies.  The 
column included eloquent, heart-rending words 
from the mother of a Marine Corps Reserve member 
who died in Iraq.  And yet, the last quote from 
her was: "Tell us what it is going to take to 
win, Mr. Bush."  In a tag line, the columnist 
described it as a question "we all need an answer to."

But some questions are based on assumptions that 
should be rejected - and "What is it going to 
take to win?" is one of them.  In Iraq, the US 
occupation force can't "win."  More importantly, 
it has no legitimate right to try.
     While levelling harsh criticisms at the 
White House, many analysts fault Bush for the 
absence of victory on the horizon.  A plaintive 
theme has become familiar: The president deceived 
us before the invasion and has made a botch of 
the war since then, so leadership that will turn 
this war around is now desperately needed and long overdue.

     Some on Capitol Hill, like Democrat Joseph 
Biden and Republican John McCain in the Senate, 
want more US troops sent to Iraq.  Others have 
different messages. "We should start figuring out 
how we get out of there," Chuck Hagel said on 
Sunday.  He lamented: "By any standard, when you 
analyse two and a half years in Iraq ... we're 
not winning."  But a tactical departure motivated 
by alarm that "we're not winning" is likely to be very slow and very bloody.
     In the Democratic Party's weekly radio 
address over the weekend, former senator Max 
Cleland said that "it's time for a strategy to 
win in Iraq or a strategy to get out."
     Cleland's statement may have been 
focus-group tested, but it amounts to another 
permutation of what Martin Luther King Jr. called 
"the madness of militarism."  All the talk about 
the urgent need for a strategy to win in Iraq 
amounts to approval for more US leadership in 
mass slaughter.  And the United States government 
does not need a "strategy" to get out of Iraq any 
more than a killer needs a strategy to stop killing.

"It is time to stand back and look at where we 
are going," independent journalist I.F. Stone 
wrote. "And to take a good look at ourselves.  A 
first observation is that we can easily 
overestimate our national conscience.  A major 
part of the protest against the war springs 
simply from the fact that we are losing 
it."  Those words appeared in mid-February 
1968.  American combat troops remained in Vietnam for another 5 years.
     It matters why people are critical of the US 
war effort in Iraq.  If the main objections stem 
from disappointment that American forces are not 
winning, then the war makers in Washington retain 
the possibility of creating the illusion that 
they may yet find ways to make the war right.

     Criticism of the war because it isn't being 
won leaves the door open for the Bush 
administration to sell the claim that - with 
enough resolve and better military tactics - the 
war can be vindicated.  It's time to close that door.
up! I can see your point, but I still think you're full of s--t.

Bush Gives New Reason for Iraq War: Oil!
President Bush answered growing antiwar protests 
yesterday with a fresh reason for US troops to 
continue fighting in Iraq: protection of the 
country's vast oil fields, which he said would 
otherwise fall under the control of terrorist extremists.
 >> looks like they already have.
up!  If I throw a stick, will you leave?

Bush Is The Real Threat
Tony Benn / The Guardian
Now that the US president has announced that he 
has not ruled out an attack on Iran, the Middle 
East faces a crisis that could dwarf even the 
dangers arising from the war in Iraq.

Even a conventional weapon fired at a nuclear 
research centre - whether or not a bomb was being 
made there - would almost certainly release 
radioactivity into the atmosphere, with 
consequences seen worldwide as a mini-Hiroshima.

We would be told that it had been done to uphold 
the principles of the nuclear non-proliferation 
treaty (NPT) - an argument that does not stand up 
to a moment's examination.  The moral and legal 
basis of the NPT convention, which the 
International Atomic Energy Agency is there to 
uphold, was based on the agreement of non-nuclear 
nations not to acquire nuclear weapons if nuclear 
powers undertook not to extend nuclear arsenals 
and negotiate to secure their abolition.

Since then, the Americans have launched a 
programme that would allow them to use nuclear 
weapons in space, nuclear bunker-busting bombs 
are being developed, and depleted uranium has 
been used in Iraq - all of which are clear 
breaches of the NPT. Israel, which has a massive 
nuclear weapons programme, is accepted as a close 
ally of the US, which still arms and funds it.

Even those who are opposed, as I am, to nuclear 
weapons in every country including Iran, North 
Korea, Britain and the US, accept that nuclear 
power for electricity generation need not 
necessarily lead to the acquisition of the bomb.

Now, it’s easy to understand why “president” Bush 
might see the bombing of Iran as a way to regain 
some of the political credibility he has lost as 
a result of the growing hostility in America to 
the Iraq war due to the heavy casualties suffered 
by US forces there .  But it’s also inconceivable 
that the White House can be contemplating an 
invasion of Iran, and what must be intended is a 
US airstrike, or airstrikes, on Iranian nuclear 
installations, comparable to Israel's bombing of 
Iraq in 1981.  Israel has already publicly hinted 
that it might do the same again.

Such an attack, whether by the US or Israel, 
would be in breach of the UN Charter, as was the 
invasion of Iraq.  But neither Bush, Sharon nor 
Blair would take any notice of that.

Some influential Americans appear to be convinced 
that the US will attack Iran.  Whether they are 
right or not, the build-up to a new war is taking 
exactly the same form as it did in 2002.  First 
we are told that Iran poses a military threat, 
because it may be developing nuclear weapons.  We 
are assured that the President is hoping that 
diplomacy might succeed through the European 
negotiations.  This is just what we were told 
when Hans Blix was in Baghdad talking to Saddam 
on behalf of the UN, but we now know, from a 
Downing Street memorandum leaked some months ago, 
that the decision to invade had been taken long before that.

That may be the position now, and I fear that if 
a US attack does take place, the prime minister 
will give it his full support.  And one of his 
reasons for doing so will be the same as in Iraq: 
namely the fear that, if he alienates Bush, 
Britain's so-called independent deterrent might 
be taken away.  For, as I also learned when I was 
the UK’s energy secretary, Britain is entirely 
dependent on the US for the supply of our Trident 
warheads and associated technology.  They cannot 
even be targeted unless the US switches on its global satellite system.

The irony is that we might be told that Britain 
must support Bush, yet again, because of the 
threat of weapons of mass destruction, thus 
allowing him to kill even more innocent civilians.

Tony Benn will be talking about War; Religion, 
Politics; and Democracy, at the Shaw Theatre in London on September 7, 8 and 9
Tony at tbenn.fsnet.co.uk
UP!  How about never? Is never good for you?

The Poetry Olympics
@ The Royal Albert Hall
Celebrating the 40th anniversary of the First 
International Poetry Incarnation which jam-packed 
the Royal Albert Hall in 1965; the 25th year of 
Poetry Olympics festivals; and the 70th birthday 
of Olympic torchbearer and coordinator Michael Horovitz.

The event will feature a truly diverse range of 
poets, singer-songwriters, actors and musicians 
including Pete Townsend, Jerry Hall, Beth Orton, 
Fran Landesman, Linton Kwesi Johnson, Grace 
Nichols, Logue, Sujata Bhatt, John Hegley, Annie 
Whitehead, and Horovitz, and will be co-hosted by the BBC’s James Naughtie.

It will levitate the Albert Hall by means of a 
transcultural time-travelling rocketship which 
harbours artists who starred in the momentous 
1965 Internationale (Christopher Logue, Adrian 
Mitchell, Spike Hawkins) alongside younger 
contemporaries clearly set to carry the baton of 
vital lyric communications (Eliza Carthy, Stacy 
Makishi, Rachel Fuller) on towards ever newer 
departures for future generations.

“It was like I’d climbed Mount Everest, or jumped 
out of a plane,” said Kylie Minogue about her 
appearance in the 1996 Albert Hall Olympics.  “So 
many things I’d avoided for so long were right 
there.  That was what Nick [Cave] was saying to 
me.  ‘It’ll be brilliant: it’ll confront all of 
your past, all in one fell swoop.’  And he was right.”

Produced by New Departures Ltd, a charitable 
publishing and performing group dedicated to the 
continuity of performance poetry and living arts, 
Poetry Olympics aims to delight and inspire, and 
remind the audience of the power and pizzazz of 
performance arts.  This unrepeatable gathering 
brings together a nucleus of the most varied 
twenty-first century troubadours, reintroducing 
the public to perhaps the longest-standing known 
cultural tradition  of poetry, songs, music and 
acting conjoined in community celebration.

Previous Poetry Olympics have featured 
superlative performances by artists ranging from 
Allen Ginsberg and Paul McCartney, through Ray 
Davies with Damon Albarn, to Joe Strummer and Patti Smith.
Tickets for this unmissable event start at only 
£5!  And go up to £40 for premier boxes.
TICKETS: Tel 0207 589 8212
UP! I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter.

los angeles
Exhibition Examining Altered States Of Perception
Ecstasy: In and About Altered States features 
works from 1990 to the present by 30 artists 
whose works experiment with transcending everyday 
physical and mental conditions.  Each artist in 
Ecstasy enacts his or her own intervention into 
human consciousness by calling attention to 
mechanisms of perception and expanding notions of reality.
OCT 9  FEB 20 @ The Geffen Contemporary at MOCA 
(152 North Central Avenue in downtown Los 
Angeles), October 9, 2005 at occupying the entire building.

Fanatical Insurgents With Nothing To Lose
People around the world have a record of 
supporting national resistance 
movements.  Portraying the Iraqi national 
Resistance movement as a collection of 
“insurgents”, "religious fanatics" and "foreign" 
fighters "with nothing to lose" is the 
Occupation's way of discrediting the Iraqi 
Resistance and denying the Iraqi people their 
legitimate right to fight for freedom and national sovereignty.

The pretexts for the Occupation were based on 
fake intelligence.  The U.S. and its "allies" are 
in the process, through media disinformation, of 
not only legitimising the Occupation, but also of 
creating new pretexts for the maintenance of a continued US military presence.

The most common media pretext is that U.S. forces 
are invited to stay to prevent civil war and 
"maintain stability".  But like the pretext of 
WMD, there is no evidence to support these U.S. 
sponsored lies.  There is a U.S-engineered 
stalemate in which no one has a majority to 
govern effectively.  The "government" is 
powerless, dominated by the same groups of 
expatriates who lobbied for the occupation in the 
first place!  The U.S. is pitting Iraqis against 
each other and creating a climate of fear.

In this regard, the creation, arming and 
financing of 'ethnic militias' and death squads 
by U.S. forces is designed to create ethnic 
divisions and sectarian violence. These US 
sponsored militia groups are: The Kurdish 
Peshmerga whose leaders supported the U.S. 
invasion and Occupation, the Iranian-trained Badr 
Brigades, the armed wing of the Supreme Council 
of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI) led by 
Ibrahim Al-Jaaferi of the Da'wa party, the INC 
militia of Ahmed Chalabi, and the INA militia of Iyad Allawi.

All these groups are involved in terrorist 
activities against Iraqi civilians.  The latter 3 
groups entered Iraq on the back of U.S. tanks.

The Kurdish militia are the Occupation's most 
loyal collaborators, receiving arms and money 
from them.  Together with the occupying forces, 
they are responsible for wide scale atrocities in Iraqi towns and villages.

Together with the Peshmerga, Israeli Mossad 
agents and U.S. forces, the militia groups went 
on systematic killings of thousands of prominent 
Iraqi academics, scientists, politicians and 
religious leaders.  They also participated in the 
atrocity and total destruction of Fallujah, which 
is depicted as "the storming of Fallujah" in most 
mainstream media.  The city was completely 
destroyed and is still a 'no go zone' for 
Iraqis.  Other Iraqi towns and cities have not 
escaped this deliberate destruction.
Ghali Hassan.
UP! I'm already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth.

“Go F*** Yourself!”
While “President” Bush travels around the country 
in a last-ditch effort to sell his Iraq war, 
White House aides scramble frantically behind the 
scenes to hide the dark mood of an increasingly 
angry leader who unleashes obscenity-filled 
outbursts at anyone who dares disagree with him.

“I’m not meeting again with that goddamned 
bitch,” Bush screamed at aides who suggested he 
meet again with Cindy Sheehan, the war-protesting 
mother whose son died in Iraq.  “She can go to hell as far as I’m concerned!”

Bush, administration aides confide, frequently 
explodes into tirades over those who protest the 
war, calling them “motherf***ing traitors.”  He 
reportedly was so upset over Veterans of Foreign 
Wars members who wore “bullshit protectors” over 
their ears during his speech to their annual 
convention that he told aides to “tell those VFW 
assholes that I’ll never speak to them again if 
they can’t keep their members under control.”

White House insiders say Bush is growing 
increasingly bitter over mounting opposition to 
his war in Iraq.  Polls show a large majority of 
Americans now believe the war was a mistake and 
most doubt the President’s honesty.
 >> welcome aboard from 90% of the rest of the planet!

“Who gives a flying f*** what the polls say,” he 
screamed at a recent strategy meeting.  “I’m the 
President and I’ll do whatever I goddamned please.  They don’t know shit.”

Bush, whilst setting up for a photo op for 
signing the recent CAFTA bill, flipped an 
extended middle finger to reporters.  Aides say 
the President often “flips the bird” to show his 
displeasure, and tells aides who disagree with 
him to “go to hell” or to “go f*** 
yourself.”  His habit of giving people the finger 
goes back to his days as Texas governor, aides 
admit, and videos of him doing so before press 
conferences were widely circulated among TV stations during those days.

Bush’s behaviour, according to prominent 
Washington psychiatrist, Dr. Justin Frank, author 
of “Bush on the Couch: Inside the Mind of the 
President,” is all too typical of an 
alcohol-abusing bully who is ruled by fear.
 >> see up!006 for details.

To see that fear emerges, Dr. Frank says, all one 
has to do is confront the President.  “To 
actually directly confront him in a clear way, to 
bring him out, so you would really see the bully, 
and you would also see the fear,” he says.  He 
also speculates that Bush, an alcoholic who brags 
that he gave up booze without help from groups 
like Alcoholics Anonymous, may be drinking again.

“Two questions that the press seems particularly 
determined to ignore have hung silently in the 
air since before Bush took office,” Dr. Frank 
says. “Is he still drinking?  And is he impaired 
by all the years he did spend drinking?”

Dr. Frank explains Bush’s behaviour as 
all-to-typical of an alcoholic who is still in 
denial:  “The pattern of blame and denial, which 
recovering alcoholics work so hard to break, 
seems to be ingrained in the alcoholic 
personality; it's rarely limited to his or her 
drinking.  The habit of placing blame and denying 
responsibility is so prevalent in George W. 
Bush's personal history that it is apparently 
triggered by even the mildest threat.”
[Doug Thompson / Capitol Hill Blue]
UP! I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce.

been having some tekkie probs nothing serious.
did u miss our little island of sanity ?

I did actually.  Glad you're still with us - 
thought they might finally have got you!
Robin, Copenhagen.

Hi Fraser!
Yes we have missed your little island of sanity, 
the truth is a virus so keep it coming.
The Artful Lodgers, London.

DEAR Fraser!
UP! is great!  Thankyou.
liz koegel, london.


Fraser, you are so obviously the single most 
important and inspiring writer working today.  I 
don’t know of any other site which covers the 
ranges, and the interconnections between them, 
that you do.  My question is:  how come no 
overground publisher has picked UP! on you?
Laurens, Chicago.
 >> it takes a publisher with both vision AND 
balls, and i guess they’re rare these days.

Hi Fraser
FANTASTIC!  You are right, so so so right about 
this, and I hate to agree with you cos I just 
love arguing the toss with you, but it has to be 
said....... You are right this time!

The Roman Catholic church launched a massive 
conspiracy that has demonised women and 
suppressed everyone else so that they could vest 
all power in the hands of the rich and keep the 
poor in their place.  I'm so glad we can all talk 
about this now.  The truth must come out.......

.......and all this is at the heart of why we 
find ourselves in this bloody mess now....... I'm 
sure JC is looking down on us all and shaking his 
head.  The church got the message WRONG and now 
we're fighting a terrible war in part because of it.

Let's get back to the sacred feminine I say.  We 
would all be a hell of a lot better off.

Keep it UP Fraser!

Sofie, Exeter, UK.

thanks Fraser! you rock!
Peter Fish, Orlando, US.

Thanks for the dynamite articles and inspiration.
Deglobalisation has begun.  The dismantling of 
the big machine is definitely happening.  Keep up 
the good work.  Blessings, Batman.
Paul Terrell, Sweden.

Fraser, it's pretty clear to me that humans are 
descended from sheep, not monkeys.
Mr. T, Portland, Oregon.
 >> u speak for yourself, mr t!

hi fraser
good on you for the Mary Magdalene (and the 
mushrooms stuff too - wow!) i'd like to add to the story

this year I was in a group that restarted the 
Feast of the Magdalene - a holy feast to praise 
and honour Mary and other priestesses of the 
Goddess and Divine Mother, especially sex workers 
and those following the path of the sacred sexual 
priestesses of that era who have been 
misrepresented.. it took only six moves in 
linguistics for Priestess of the Temple to be 
translated into Whore, or Prostitute .. (see 
www.sacredsexrevival.com for the list)

the story goes - Mary, an Ethiopian virgin 
priestess of the temple of Isis meets Jesus at 
the well - she knows she is meant for him, they 
become lovers and he learns the secrets with her, 
including increasing his "ka" - his spirit body, 
or aura.  his mission was to cut a path through 
death, they used sexual alchemy, through the then 
widely taught and used "alchemies of horus", the 
"sex magic of isis" and raising of the kundalini 
to such an extent that he knew he had to die and 
that he had to use his psychic energy to bring "a 
tunnel of light so that all can follow" - from death to the road to heaven.

mary and jesus had a son, aaron, and a daughter, 
sara (sara later married the man who started the 
Knights Templar).  When Jesus died a group 
including mary, mary Jesus' mother and joseph, 
the children and a few others, travelled in fear 
of their lives, first by boat to France (the 
worth a visit - abbey Rennes-Le-Chateau) 
dedicated to the sacred feminine holds clues to 
Her existence and importance in france when She 
stopped there.  they then travelled to 
Glastonbury, where legend says they were hidden 
and protected by the druids - Glastonbury's MAIN 
street is called Magdalene Street, and the 
Magdalene chapel in that street dates before 
1090, the thorny flowering bush in glastonbury 
has legend that Joseph touched it.

Mary "retired" to the welsh coast to end her days 
in peace.  She was awoken in spirit form with 
Jesus about 5 years ago at the opening of the 
Fourth Seal in Glastonbury England, witnessed by 
100 people including Edwin Courtney, and many 
forms of the Goddess energy have been rising in 
unstoppable form since this time, especially through Mary and Tara energy.

The seven seals you speak of, though, remind me 
of the 7 chakras that open when the kundalini is 
rising - the "first seal of the house of isis" is 
a sexual seal to protect the kundalini and mooladhara chakra.

i hope you enjoy my contribution - i enjoy 
reading yours - next year we hope to have a 
special weekend in glastonbury The Feast of the 
Magdalene 22nd/23rd July 2006 Glastonbury - 
please join us to honour Her - see also my 
calendar - designed to increase awareness of the 
Goddess and our erotic spirituality!  i have been 
also recruiting troops! (The Sexual Peace 
Core)  to join an alternative army  those 
undertaking regular tantric type sexual 
worshipping for the common goal of Peace and the 
bringing of Heaven on Earth  - i think we only 
need 144,000 to do it!  Make Love Not War has never been so important!
thanks - keep it upp uppp!
Bernadette Vallely, Author, Sacred Sex .
 >> it’s not a nanosecond too soon for the 
goddess energy to rise rampant, but lissen 
guys’ngals this ain’t going to be a Holy Blood & 
Grail sorta thing. i c a lot of this as the 
opposite but equal pole of the weirder ends of 
the conspiracy thread.  we don’t want to end up 
with ANOTHER Holy Tale, as based in “faith” as 
the previous one.  i repeat:  there isn’t a 
single thread of evidence for the physical 
existence of anyone called Jesus period.  the 
next step from that fact is UP! to you, but every 
step is on a path to somewhere.

Thank you so much. Zak told me about this and 
it's information I've been waiting for.
Ashera, Los Angeles.
UP! I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message.

  the UP! is a global edutainment round-up, broadcast weekly to =[13,605]=
Alternative// Activist// Zippy// Trance// New Age// Peace folks
recommended to the Parallel YOUniversity// Megatripolis Dance Dept as
  "showing signs of life".
Since recipients forward it widely to their own lists & sites,
we conservatively estimate 50,000+ direct recipients.
A further 40,000 read it on the YOUniversity's site.
And, because of its 'mix' of 'specialist' & 'general' content,
it's increasingly being posted on a variety of sites worldwide,
making an estimated total weekly readership of =[275,000]=

Is Bird Flu Pandemic Chicken Little Scenario?
  by Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
In 2003 it was SARS, the deadly virus that caused 
lethal pneumonia and lung failure was sweeping 
the globe and it was only a matter of time before 
the west would succumb to its devastating wrath.

The number of SARS cases never topped 1000, none 
of which were proven to be anything more than traditional lung infections.

SARS has been replaced by a new enemy, an enemy 
that may require martial law, quarantines and 
forced vaccinations - H5N1 - the dreaded Bird Flu.
 >> i gotta horrible sinking feeling they’re 
gonna announce they have to kill every bird on 
the planet.  first we misuse & abuse them in ten 
mile long chinese chicken concentration camps and 
then, when they get diseased, we expunge the 
entire bird species to protect ourselves.

Are we right to be concerned, or is this just 
another fearmongering campaign to make millions 
for big pharma and keep us under the suffocating 
'protection' of Big Brother nanny state?

In October of last year, the head of the Russian 
Virology Institute, Academician Dmitry Lvov said 
at a press conference, “Up to one billion people 
could die around the whole world in 6 months.  We 
are half a step away from a worldwide pandemic catastrophe."

No catastrophe happened that year, nor after 6 months, nor 8 months.

Thank God it didn't happen, but for people like 
Ted Turner, Jacques-Yves Cousteau and Prince 
Philip, a billion deaths isn't necessarily a bad thing for humanity.

"The simplest answer is that the world's 
population should be about two billion, and we've 
got about six billion now," Turner told E 
Magazine, an environmentalist publication.  He 
went even further in an interview with Audubon magazine.

"A total world population of 250-300 million 
people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal."

In a 1991 interview with the UNESCO Courier, 
Jacques-Yves Cousteau, the famous Emmy award 
winning film producer who went on to be a kingpin 
of the environmental movement said: "It's 
terrible to have to say this.  World population 
must be stabilised and to do that we must eliminate 350,000 people per day."

In the foreword to his book If I Were an Animal, 
Prince Philip wrote: "In the event that I am 
reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly 
virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation."
 >> these guys are just full of love for us!

So the elite are very concerned about their noble 
effort to cull the population for the Greater 
Good.  Should we therefore be alarmed by a London 
Times article which reports: "Britain’s elite 
have been selected as priority cases to receive 
scarce pills and vaccinations at the taxpayers’ 
expense if the country is hit by a deadly bird flu outbreak."

Is this a red flag or is it simply a means of 
creating a false scarcity so that everyone runs out and buys the antidote?

We’d be wise to remember that the revelation that 
the Bush cabinet was on the anthrax fighting 
Cipro only emerged in the media after the anthrax 
attack was in process, not before.

Hence it seems more likely that this is a ruse to 
line the pockets of the government affiliated pharmaceutical companies.

However one thing is clear: if this outbreak did 
occur, the justification to suspend 
Constitutional rights will be flaunted to its 
maximum exposure.  Back in April “President” Bush 
added pandemic influenza to the list of diseases 
for which quarantine is authorised.  China's 
zealous martial law tactics in dealing with SARS, 
home detention, curfews, mandatory vaccinations, 
restriction of travel, are the model for what could unfold in the US.

The federal blueprint for the exact same scenario 
was released and picked up by the Associated 
Press a year ago.  This will make ID cards and 
airport security checks look like a tea party.

This is a slow process of conditioning the public 
to accept mandatory vaccinations and restrictions 
on mobility under a rule of martial law.

The ball started rolling back in 2001 when the 
Model States Emergency Health Powers Act was 
passed, which allows for total government 
takeover of every industry, vehicle, building, 
location, distribution process, you name it.

And when this flu pandemic happens who will we 
blame?  Surely not US scientists playing around 
with the deadly 1918 Spanish flu virus at "less 
than the maximum level of containment" according to the New Scientist magazine.

At present, bird flu fearmongering seems highly 
likely to be a chicken little scenario.  But if 
it does happen just think for yourself about what 
the elite have already said on the record about 
depopulation, and add to that the fact that the 
elite were the first to be protected against any possible bird flu pandemic.
 >> and have nightmares about the horrors we’re 
inflicting on the bird species and the karma we’re paying for it.
UP! Chaos, panic, & disorder...my work here is done.

superbugs being hatched in UK hospitals?
watch out for mad cow disease in america!
the USDA has announced the first home-grown case 
of mad cow - in a Texas beef cow.

US animal feed regulations allow hundreds of 
millions of pounds of cattle blood and fat to be 
fed back to cattle each year, including the 
widespread weaning of calves on cattle blood 
protein in calf-milk replacer and milk formula.

In addition, one million tons a year of "poultry 
litter" is shovelled from barn floors at chicken 
factories and fed to cattle, although the spilled 
and defecated chicken feed in the litter can 
contain up to 30% mammalian meat and bone meal.

On June 30 the New York Times reported that Texas 
Governor Rick Perry had issued a statement urging 
citizens to remain calm and be reassured that 
they could trust the state's beef: 'I, for one, 
will continue to eat red meat, and intend to do 
so later tonight with complete confidence.  Later 
Mr. Perry issued a revised statement that dropped 
the reference to his dinner plans but added that 
Texas beef was 'as safe today as it was yesterday.'
 >> sounds to me like he’s taken legal advice.  he knew yesterday!
up! I shall always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you.

Flu Viruses Can Quickly Swap Genes - Study
Strains of the influenza virus are constantly 
swapping genes among themselves and giving rise 
to new, dangerous strains at a rate faster than previously believed.
 >> or ‘Science’ (meaning really just technology) can adapt.

Such events probably are what lead to the 
occasional pandemics of flu that can kill millions of people.
Reuters July 26, 2005

Radioactive Wounds of War
Tests on returning US troops suggest serious 
health consequences of depleted uranium use in 
Iraq.  In the current wars in Afghanistan and, 
especially, Iraq, DU has become the weapon of 
choice, even though studies in the mid-90's 
concluded there was no safe way to use DU as weapons.

a l l g o o d t h i n g s c o m e t o a n e n d
which don't justify nuttin'

YOUR PLANET NEEDS //YOU!This HipList grows purely by recommendation.
TO DEBATE ANYTHING in the UP!, visit the GroupMind Debating Board on

Parallel YOUniversity, Box 833, London NW6, UK
fraser at parallel-youniversity.com


how to end terrorism at a single stroke

an apology & solution offered to all arabs to end defensive jihad terrorism

by a citizen of the west



1. Except where we are able to admit our own far 
far worse & far far longer term terrorism, we 
must stop seeing it purely as terrorism.
”The killers are those who kill - and that 
includes our pilots as well as their bombers. We 
don't want to kill civilians, but we know that 
our wars will do that, and death does not come 
more pleasantly or less painfully because the 
victims are killed by the supposedly benevolent 
West rather than the supposedly cruel East. Now 
we are beginning to pay the price.”  Robert Fisk

2. al-queda leaders have made very clear all 
along that they are fighting a defensive jihad, 
the only one permitted by islam - the kind 
saladin fought successfully against the christian 
crusades.  indeed, as I read mohamed’s words, 
such action is obligatory on all muslims when the 
Faith / Faithful are under attack.  once a 
defensive jihad has been declared, aggressive 
attacks on the Enemy become permitted, even required.

(if your response is THEYRE ATTACKING US!, then 
ask yourself how many arab soldiers are 
positioned in your country.  and if u say, after 
all this, that our military were invited in by 
some MEGA FAT QUISLING SHEIKH, then I say u r a 
baboon :))  such ignorance is a geometrically 
accelerating danger to me and to all people on this planet.

3. we ALREADY KNOW against what those thousands 
of terrorists and hundreds of thousands of 
supporters are defending. and their demands are eminently reasonable:


AROUND ISRAEL’S BORDERS. (militarily if 
necessarily, and for as long as required -  like yugoslavia).

these are an absolute minimum, are eminently 
reasonable, would already stop the massive spread 
of terrorism in its tracks, and would save 
hundreds (possibly hundreds of thousands?) of 
western lives over the next decade.  meanwhile 
the withdrawn personnel and equipment should be 
put to protecting our own homelands and borders.

the same reasons - and let’s pray the africans 
and the indians will be more ‘understanding’ than the arabs!)
removing soldiers and settling the israel 
question only delivers a level playing field, it 
would not be nearly enough to compensate for all 
the bullying terrorism we have practised on their 
civilisation over the centuries and since the discovery of oil.
what’s fundamentally required is not some 
begrudging inch-by-inch retreat but a Magnificent 
Public Gesture to show Sincerity and Contrition 
(far better than having it forced on us at a 
later date when SOME terrorism continued to 
develop).  the establishing of a fair “market 
price” for oil would be an excellent step in this 
general direction - say double what we’ve allowed so far?

the above actions (or UN promises to implement) 
would, at a single stroke or in several steps,
i]  cut off the ‘religious’ base of the jihad
ii] answer the political grievances
iii] resolve the economic crimes.
they would thus drain the massively spawning 
community of fanatics of public support, the 
planet would be perceived by all its inhabitants 
to be on a proper and fair evolutionary path at 
last, the terrorism problem would begin to wither 
on the vine, and surprisingly quickly the present 
problem would be looked back on as having been 
little more than a learning curve on humanity’s progress towards globality.

obviously none of this can begin to happen till 
the dinosaurs have finally been shrugged onto the 
Fossil Record, with the name George Bush 
consigned to History as the planet’s Greatest 
Bogyman & Schmuck.  sounds about right to me :)

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