[pagan-magik] raga,,,Killer coke

raga woods raga_woods at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 17 01:41:53 GMT 2006


Ray Rogers and Andy Higginbottom will be at the new occupied social centre 
at 21 Russell Square...this Saturday,  Feb 18th,

>From 1.30pm - 4.0.pm..(prior to the Bolivian evening beginning at 4.30.pm.) 
There is an activists cafe offering refreshments.

Film Talk and discussion.

Please network this invitation....
We only asked them a couple of days ago when they were delivering a talk and 
film at SOAS. Ray, from USA, said people all over the world, especially in 
the United States, will be watching for the results of the NUS Blackpool 
conference in March.The students union will be asked to vote on the proposal 
that all university unions refuse to host Coca Cola on their campus, so long 
as the repression and abuse of human rights continues in Colombia.

So, come and find out more....and how to get involved, even if it is only to 
drink Pepsi!

Ray will be returning next day to the States to continue the campaign...see  
and email:  StopKillerCoke at aol.com

Also,   Andy is continuing the Colombian Solidarity 
Campaign....so...please...come and find out more and meet them both while 
they are together in London this weekend.

And..anyone at all interested in the health and wellbeing of future 
generations should investigate the links with Coke and addictive totally 
unhealthy fast food industry. We should all be aware of how many children 
are suffering from obesity leading to very serious form of diabetes...which 
is uncurable.

It is now known that at least eight union leaders standing for fair pay and 
basic work related rights, have been brutally murdered by para military 
squads within the Coca Cola bottling plants in Colombia.
Coca Cola deny this, but there is plenty of evidence that their attempts to 
play this down is not being believed, even by many of their own 
people.....they are showing the strain, there have been top level 
resignations, so, we must keep the pressure up.

Thanks a lot for spreading the word, Raga

NB..21 Russell Square, Occupied Social Centre, near SOAS:
There is a healing day beginning around 2.0pm Sunday, the next day...all 
welcome...healers and those who would  be healed....welcome, and again 

AND....There are two people who work with shamen and medicine workers 
staying at the centre who are willing to take people into deep 
dimensions...plus....they are willing to land-travel to lead small groups 
and circles....out of London. Felipe from Chile and Jimena from 
Mexico......leave a message on 0788 6346 224.
They are open to connections and proposals.

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