[pagan-magik] UP! 268// Travels round the Atlas// 01 12 07

fraser at parallel-youniversity.com fraser at parallel-youniversity.com
Sat Dec 1 22:46:07 GMT 2007


*____,,,,**_{**ô**¿**ô**}_,,,,_* fraser
am back!  safe, & sounder than ever.
and primed with solar energy for any european winter that gets thrown at us.
still catching up on the "news" so here's the inner news.

"If you will not fight for your rights when you can easily win without 
if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly,
then you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the 
odds against you
and only a small chance of survival.

There may even be a worse case:
you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory
because it is better to perish
than to live as slaves."
Winston Churchill.
UP! In the UK a pregnant woman can legally relieve herself anywhere she 
wants, including in a policeman's helmet (UK's top 10 most ridiculous laws)






Millbank 12 noon

*Cycle Protest Assembles*


Lincoln's Inn Fields 10 am

*Speakers to include*


Chris Huhne MP,

George Monbiot,

Caroline Lucas MEP,
Michael Meacher MP,

www.campaigncc.org <http://www.campaigncc.org/>

Join people all around the world to demand that world leaders act
now to prevent the catastrophe that threatens to engulf us all.


/"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those
who could not hear the music."  /Frederick Nietzsche.
*Get UP!  /Stand Up For Your Rights! /**/(and everybody else's too of 
course! :)/*
*/u can't understand the world without innerstanding yourself/*
**  All truth passes through 3 stages.
1, it is ridiculed. *UP! **268    *
**---- /LA- LA- LA- LAP-TOPPLING DA SYSTEM! ---///
2, it is violently opposed. **01  12  07
3, it is accepted as being self-evident.
*/u cant innerstand yourself without understanding the world/*
*  Get UP!  /And Don't Give Up The Fight! /**/(only we don't mean 
violence, ok? :)/*
FEATURING /exclusive re-writes & re-mixes of da freshest deepest hacks 
ancient & modern ,and/
/SAMPLES// from media & mentalities all over, & all bubbling //up! 
//from da public DNA Herself!/
****/[click down screens to get there.  u r on screen 3 :]/
Screen 06  Travels round the Atlas (Mountains of Morocco)
                            Part One - The Tiny Personal Atomised Ego
Screen 10  Travels round the Atlas how to make money from the 
Screen 15  Travels round the Atlas advice to a young outsider in Azilal
Screen 18  Travels round the Atlas  forever
Screen 20  Travels round the Atlas  Morons Are Running Our Drug Policies

"oh what have we done?!"
[see Trailer]
UP! It is illegal for a woman to be topless in Liverpool except as a 
clerk in a tropical fish store (UK's top 10 most ridiculous laws)

Hi Fraser,
A happy ending for the Rimbaud and Verlaine house in Camden!
The house will become a centre for the poetic arts.
Thanks for alerting UP! readers to the emergency situation in July.
Niall McDevitt. London.
UP! It is legal to murder a Scotsman within the ancient city walls of 
York, but only if he is carrying a bow and arrow (UK's top 10 most 
ridiculous laws)

Be Sure To Cancel Your Credit Card Before You Die
Citibank billed a lady who died this January for February & March for 
their annual service charges on her credit card, & added late fees and 
interest on the monthly charge.  The balance, which had been $0.00, was 
now somewhere around $60.00.  She wasn't complaining, but a family 
member placed a call to Citibank.  Here's the  exchange:

Family Member: I am calling to tell you she died in January.
Citibank:  The account was never closed and the late fees & charges 
still apply.
Family Member: Maybe, you should turn it over to collections.
Citibank: Since it is 2 months past  due, it already has been.
Family Member: So, what will they do when they find out she is  dead?
Citibank: Either report  her account to frauds division or report her to 
the credit bureau, maybe both!
Family Member: Do you  think God will be mad at her?
Citibank: Excuse me?
Family Member: Did you just get what I was telling you the part about 
her being dead?
Citibank: Sir, you'll have to speak to  my supervisor.
Family Member: I'm calling to tell  you, she died in January.
Citibank Supervisor: The account was never closed, so the late fees and 
charges still apply. (This must be a phrase taught by the bank!)
Family Member:  Do you mean you want to collect from her estate?
Citibank: (stammering) Are you her  lawyer?
Family Member: No,  I'm her great nephew.
Citibank: Could you fax us a  certificate of death?
Family Member: Sure.
Fax number is given.  After they get the fax:
Citibank: Our system just isn't setup  for death.  I don't know what 
more I can do to help.
Family Member: Well, if you figure it  out, great!  If not, you could 
just keep billing her.  I really don't think she will care.
Citibank: Well, the late fees & charges do still apply. (what's wrong 
with these people?!?)
Family Member:  Would you like her new billing address?
Citibank: Yes, that will  help.
Family Member:  Odessa Memorial Cemetery, Highway 129, Plot Number 69.
Citibank: Sir, that's a  cemetery!
Family Member: What  do you do with dead people on your planet?
UP! It is an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the British 
king or queen's image upside-down (UK's top 10 most ridiculous laws)

***T**E**X**T **J**O**C**K**E**Y //**TJ PHRASER (**Fraser Clark**) & THE 
***@ A MEDIA-MEME RATE OF **160 IPP * * **Ideas Per Paragraph*
**fraser at parallel-youniversity.com*

*____,,,,**_{**ô**¿**ô**}_,,,,_* fraser
Travels round the Atlas (Mountains of Morocco)
Part One - The Tiny Personal Atomised Ego
Part Two - My Affair with a Muslim Widow

Part One
my tiny personal atomised ego is back on its favourite roof in the arab 
world!  below and around and below me teem the millions of africa in all 
their exultant variety!  and above me the Sun beams hotly down upon my 
almost naked body.

for under a fiver a night i have to myself this whole roof of the hotel 
oucamden overlooking the great djemma al fna square.  for a 20 second 
360 degree shot try this:

it had been a terrible summer in europe, with hardly a glimpse of the 
sun since early june, and now an english winter threatening to fall upon 
me.  with no sign of the hoped-for indian summer,  i realised:  i am in 
no way ready for an english winter, not when i haven't had at least an 
english summer!

that's the main reason am here - to get at least 2 hours of glorious 
sunlight energy all over my body for 19 days.  and morocco's hotels are 
built for precisely that, with flat roofs where no public eye can 
disapprove of your nakedness.

am in bad shape.  a raging coughing phlegm-heavy flu invaded on my lungs 
the moment i stepped out into africa.  i'd been nursing/ fighting it off 
for the previous 3 weeks.  since arriving i haven't been able to sleep, 
and i shall hit the sack before midnight tonight i fear.

Majority of Afghanistan Now Under Taliban Control
"More than half of Afghanistan is back under Taliban control and the 
Nato force in the country needs to be doubled in size to cope with the 
resurgent group, a report by the Senlis Council think-tank says."  Kim 
Sengupta/The Independent newspaper [UK].

*Travels round the Atlas
the DISTRACTION video reconsidered
while feeling sick & sleepless in marrakesh

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxBroBF-uKI  <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxBroBF-uKI>

i got to wondering why the name DISTRACTION didn't hip me to something 
happening.  indeed, when i show the video to friends who visit, i don't 
heavily emphasise the title, and i certainly don't mention no gorilla!

but now i've suddenly realised that it's precisely because i took it 
from the other direction that i missed the gorilla!

i took the title to mean that i should concentrate on the task in hand 
AND NOT BE DISTRACTED by anything else going on, including the black 
team and the slightly jumpy video.  right?  you too?

and most of us are pretty good at that.  some were proud and certain 
they got the number of passes right.  11 or 12.  me too.

so let's accept that most of us are pretty skilled at not being 
DISTRACTED; indeed our specialised western mind is so good at 
concentrating on the matter in hand, focusing on the task, that we 
easily missed a fukking gorilla walk slowly to the centre of the room, 
beat his chest directly into the camera [as i was later to do, 
tarzan-like, to warn the monkeys who tried to steal our meals at the 
Cascades d'Ouzoude that the new guy wasn't having it] and amble off again!

this strikes me as potentially a psychological problem.  how many other 
gorillas am i missing?  am i always 'tracking"?  do i not get 
"distracted" enuff?!

when, for example, did u last hear live music from a side street on your 
way to the local shop and spontaneously swerve towards it?  what was my 
'task'?  oh yes, i was going shopping.  eh, right.

are we zooming past gorillas all the time?
Oh George You Really Dunnit!
You Sunk the Dino Dollar's Last Stand
The decline of the dollar, symbol of US global hegemony for the best 
part of a century,
may have become so entrenched that some experts now fear it is irreversible.

After months of huge and sustained turmoil on the money markets,
lack of confidence in the world's totemic currency has become so widespread
that an increasing number of international traders are transferring 
their wealth
to stronger currencies such as the euro, which recently hit its highest 
level against the dollar.

"An American businessman over here who is given the choice
would take anything but the dollar," David Buik of Cantor Index said 
"I would want to be paid in yen, and if not yen then the euro or sterling."

Matthew Osborne, of Armstrong International, added: "The majority would 
say sterling.
There are a few dealers in the City who may take the view that they'll 
take dollars now,
while they're cheap, and hold on to them for 12 months."

*Travels round the Atlas
i spose, from where you're sitting, morocco is a pretty big gorilla.  i 
hear the swirling berber music launch itself, like a snake charmed out 
of a sack, at the far end of djemma al fna square.

i guess one big gorilla can open the door to loads of them cos it's been 
nothing but gorillas since i landed!  including this goddamn flu where 
was THAT lurking?!

here, from my favourite observer roof in all Arabia, you can watch one 
distraction after another all day and half the night.

i've already found a new distraction.  from further back on my beloved 
roof i can look down on where the huge square funnels itself into a 
narrow road leading to a tiny square where western kitchen goods have 
dominance.  looking down, u have 2 divergent streams of humanity, and 
donkeys, and motorbikes and carts contra-flowing and -slowing through & 
between each other.

fantastic how so many self-driven units inter-penetrate, now Particles, 
now Wavelets, and overall, historically, One Great Wave, with scarcely a 
crash, look out here comes a full sized lorry!

i could gaze all day.  my mind and eyes get so unhinged from any kinda 
westernised focus that i'd spot a gorilla before he got in the room!

*TUES, DEC 4*        Kings with Straw Mats
(72min film) by Ira Cohen.
/Kings with Straw Mats/ is an extraordinary portrait of sadhus
at India's greatest sacred celebration, the Kumbha Mela, which takes 
place every 12 years.
Produced by Ira Cohen with cinematographer Ira Landgarten in 1986, the 
film follows the sadhus
in their path of insight and devotion, intoxicated on the divine, 
evoking the mythic,
silencing themselves in poverty and solitude to reach the unlimited 
world of shamanistic ecstasy.
@ October Gallery, 24 Old Gloucester Street, WC1N 3AL.
Tel: 020 7242 7367.  *Screening 7:30 (doors open 7pm) Tickets: £6/£4 (conc)*
**UP! The head of any dead whale found on the British coast 
automatically becomes the property of the King, and the tail of the 
Queen (UK's top 10 most ridiculous laws)

* _,,,,**_{**ô**¿**ô**}_,,,,__
*Travels round the Atlas
how to make money
from the DISTRACTION video
show the film once, with the usual distracting information.  when it's 
over and your viewer has insisted on telling you proudly how many passes 
the white team made, say:

"Now i'm going to ask you 3 questions:

1. if i was to tell you a mafia hit squad gunned down everyone in the 
gymnasium while you were watching, would you believe me?... how sure are 
you as a percentage?

2. if i was to tell you, instead, that a gorilla (guy in a suit) walked 
in from stage right, stood in the centre of the room beating his chest 
directly into the camera, and then walked off left, would you believe 
me?  would you bet 20 bucks?"
Cannabis and Schizophrenia. NO LINK!
Cannabis & smoking gene links to schizophrenia "UNFOUNDED"
Schizophrenia risk is not influenced by variations in the cannabinoid 
receptor (CNR1)
and alpha7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (CHRNA7) genes, say UK 

They also found no evidence for the purported effects of cannabis use on 
according to variation in the catechol-O- methyltransferase (COMT) gene.
UP! Eating mince pies on Christmas Day is banned (UK's top 10 most 
ridiculous laws)

*Travels round the Atlas
am at the bluddy bus station again.  been feeling pretty sick and 
disjointed in my 3 days here and coughing phlegm.  it's 2 hours till the 
next bus to Azilal (shoulda phoned the station first but their phones 
are 2 advanced :)  Azilal is a 3 hour ride east north east from the Big 
M into the low atlas mountains.  groggy.  early bed last night again.  
couldn't sleep for some reason.

2 hours to wait among the hot concrete, diesel fumes and sad palms.  how 
many hours have i spent waiting in this damn station?  (at least you can 
fairly easily get away with a quick secret smoke which eases the boredom 
somewhat and adds interest even to industrial 'regeneration'.

this scene would make a good setting for a Beckett play .   Waiting For 
Camel-o.  i'll have another fag.

Another UP! and yet again - nothing short of fantastic.
when I get the same link 3 times I know it's meaningful
- but the most interesting ones always seem to come thru you 1st!
Have a good vitamin D to pup, all the best  :P
Bill Froog, London.

Travels round the Atlas
goddess!  I've looked out on so many urbanscapes like this one!  the bus 
from Marrakesh hit town just after sunset, and i've booked into the 
Hotel Tissa, a rectangle looking down on the main street.  tomorrow or 
the next day i'll catch a mercedes taxi on to ouzoude and the fabled 

stretches of flat concrete marbly stuff with steps 20 yards across to 
the next stretch.  ghastly street lamps lighting the Concrete Camp.  
it's very busy for a hill town.  all the young guys dressed from shop 
windows in stuff we wore in the west last year.

is this global capitalism or izzit just moving with and into the 
future?  a vespa kicks off.  2 guys laff.  a pure white stray dog 
saunters along the gutter - the first sign of independent life!

they're all being turned away from any WIsdom and Culture from the past, 
and getting what?  you've heard it all before, but only cos it's so 
true!  all that Life being blanded out all across the planet?  or is 
there more happening below the surface?  some new organising principle 
that's erasing the old Class System of each country?  democratising it?

but they're being conditioned to see only the external, mass created, 
one-fit-all world.  so inside they can only see the mirror image of this 
superficial world.  plus their own tiny personal atomised ego.  nobody 
teaches them that the Internal World is at least as big as the External 
World.  and, in fact, contains it.

what's the next stage?  i've landed in an arab town so, of course, they 
still have sex to enlighten things.  and yet, while i don't follow it 
through, women here still suggest Mystery.  a different world from all 
this?  sex can spark all sorts of things and we mustn't let this too be 
blanded out.

Megatripper:  You can't see me!
Glasgow drunk:  Can't see you?!  That'll be right.  A fookin spacemen 
right here in the middle of Sauchiehall Street and I can't see you?!
M:  You CAN see me?!  {And you can even hear me - ?
GD:                                   {Not only can I see - right, and 
hear every word you say.  You drinking, Spacey?
M:  Drink?  Oh, that medical smell you mean?
GD:  Now you've said it, Spaceyman, you've said it.
M:  But how can you see me?
GD: They can all see you, you're a terrible sight.  It's no Halloween -
M:  Only you can see me!  Listen, can I ask you some questions?
[Drunk turns to nearby policemen]
GD: Scuse me, officer, if you're not too busy, can you see my galactic 
traveller friend here?
Cop:  Certainly.  He's carrying a black briefcase, right?
GD: Naw, seriously, can you see him?
Cop:  We've had one or two, have we?
GD: You could put it that way.  If you were just starting mathematics.
[OR Spacey twirls round cop to make it obvious, drunk laffing his head off]
GD: Listen, officer, do this for me, will you?  Put one hand behind your 
back and stick out one to 5 fingers and I'll tell you how many.  Spacey, 
go behind him and tell me.
M:  3.
GD: 3.
Cop:  No.  5.  Now toddle on and keep out of trouble, you two.

GD:  You're just a figment!
M:  He had 3 fingers up.
GD:  He said 5!
M:  Cops don't like to be found out.  I read it in the history zone.  
But the main point is he didn't SEE me.  Now can I ask -?
GD:  But we got to settle this once and for all.

[A passerby, more sophisticated, bohemian guy is involved]
[He gets this nice girl involved]

Spacey explains that he's here to learn a lesson (about pride) and when 
they think he's got it they'll just pull him back.
- Just like that?
M:  Just like that.  After all they're all investing their own time and 
energy to send me here.

Spacey cures GD so he can ask questions.  A miracle!
M: Why do YOU think you can see me when nobody else can?
GD:  It's more like why can't THEY.  They're so wrapped up in all their 

thank you for the periodic wake-up calls
and your deliriously bright and keen angle on things...
i delight in your letters, i learn on all of my levels,
my being thanks you for your great voice!!!! UP!
f105shoe, somewhere.

*Travels round the Atlas
FRI, NOV 9, Las Cascades, Ouzoude, Morocco
what a total little gem of a place!

i had no image at all really.  just many foreigners and no banks.  turns 
out there's no phone either.

even as you step gratefully out of the sweaty, packed mercedes taxi, it 
still looks just like any other mud brown sandy small moroccan town; an 
attempt at a concrete roundabout, a stray dog checking out our arrival 
(which i always like).

but then we follow down an unpaved alley, expecting nothing much, and 
all at once the path wanders into a hippy-style market under the trees, 
winding slowly along with gay stalls on every side, and even roofed in 
by swirling printed sheets.

i can't believe my eyes!  nobody mentioned this!  and it winds on, cafes 
on each side, little wooden hotels and draped loungers, down and round 
and finally into 400 steps to the foot of this huge waterfall - the 
Cascades.  which i've left till another day.  feeling like i've Come 
Home At Last, i check into the Hotel Oulalla where long-haired, 
beturbaned abdul greets me like a Long Lost Friend.  and then regales me 
constantly about his western hippy girlfriend who keeps sleeping with 
his pals and what should he do?

I suggested walking through the town in the dark evening.  we left the 
last house and were clearly approaching a cliff that overlooked the 
falls, the cascades, you could hear their distant thunder.  it was deep 
night now.  the path, rough even in town, is now pitted with rock and 

baligh and abdul have to help me along.  more and more as we proceed.  
baligh wants to stop, but i can hear the noise, smell the ozone and can 
see the edge of the cliff just twenty yards ahead.  for the first time 
ever i feel that i AM an old man.  certainly in their eyes, for i know 
that my foot will heal in, say, 6 months more?  but i AM playing the Old 
Man's role, of this there can be no doubt.

i protest that i am not this.  i am not how i must appear.  they laugh 
and agree but i am clearly old compared with them.

"I was such a virile young man" i hear myself muttering (aghast) but i 
don't think they understood my bad french.

my goddess!  it's inevitably a Role i shall play!  even if am not 
convinced by it righ tnow.

advice to (Baligh)
a young outsider in Azilal
you, Baligh, are at the Outsider stage.  believe me, every saint, 
prophet, revolutionary (and psychopath) has passed through it.  you KNOW 
that you seem to be different to most people.  99% don't seem interested 
or curious about the things that interest you.  you've maybe tried to be 
like all the others but find that you just can't.  it maybe even scares 
you sometimes to even think about it.

and yet, 1% of people ARE pretty much like you, or at least they've 
reached or passed through this stage.  they also feel, honestly, that 
they can't fit in. 

but what the souls at your stage have not yet realised is that 1 or 3% 
of a planet's population (or whatever the total is now) is A VERY LARGE 

and many, many of them have not remained isolated in the hill town, 
square grey why-here suburb or urban ghetto at the wrong end of town 
where they happened to have been born.  they've opted to move out (of a 
culture that over-defined them) and on.  and they've gathered in capital 
cities, in certain, less expensive parts of major urban centres, in 
foreign locations where it's cheap, wholesome & the living is easier; 
where there's much less social pressure; where, in some parts, they have 
even become the MAJORITY in the local community.  they've naturally 
magnetised, in other words, to situations where everyone pretty much 
lets everyone else get on with their lives whatever those happen to be.

now, these people are by no means all identical to each other.  some are 
more into music, say, or debate, or traveling, or conspiring in 
politics, or hanging out in coffee bars, or partying 24/7, or into 
slightly 'odd' things like yoga, meditation or raw foods. 

but they ARE all similar. they're all experimenting with different 
lifestyles and alternative reality models to the Official one with which 
the other 90% (or whatever the total is now for its growing every day as 
people see how badly it's all going wrong) persuade themselves to 
stick.  or perhaps the majority has to stick with the Plan in order that 
a minority can evolve beyond, who knows?

now, do these (millions of) people around the planet see themselves as 
parts of a living network, a community even, a future-dominant culture 
even?  some do.  some do sometimes.  some simply gravitate into the 
Scene without ever much thinking about it, but many are attracted by 
books or movies and come consciously to give it a try.

there are levels beyond this which are not for discussion now.  for, on the
General Path
if you want to get from A to Zee
one thing's plain to see:
first you got to get to B.

it's as simple as ABC.
though sometimes you'll jump from P to R
skipping the Q,
it usually doesn't depend on you.

generally, on the General Path,
there are only 2 wrong turns to avoid:

1.  trying to get from A to Zee.
2.  never trying to get from A to Zee.

have a lovely vacation and i look forward to your return.
thanks again for all your lovely news!
*/I'M /**/HAVING/**/ A LUCID /**/INTERVAL/*   smile,
ilsa, california, usa.
Ilsa Bartlett Institute for Rewiring the System at: www.Hotlux.com/angel.htm

Travels round the Atlas
goddess, this holiday is beginning to do me a power of good!  at least 
an hour and a half of solid solar energy soaking in all over me every 
day so far!

an idea that was new to it entered my head some time back and has been 
spreading and invading every corner since.  simply put, it is this, but 
i must warn you that, having once allowed it to enter, you might find 
that it just carries you on and on.

this world never began any time ever, and it will never end anytime 
ever.  it probably cannot.  it just goes forth and multiplies and does 
its thing.  you, personally, never 'began' anywhere, and you never, ever 
can cease to exist.

that's the Fact.  and it continues to be the Fact whether you happen to 
perceive or believe it at this moment of your existence or not.

one immediate corollary of this, for me, because psychology interests 
me, is that all our feelings of "it's too late, i'll never solve that or 
correct this or do that", all our little (and gigantic) disappointments, 
all the seemingly lost details of our past, THEY ARE NOT GONE!  like 
Childhood, to take the major case.  you will re-live every detail of 
them many, many times, maybe even millions of times with tiny changes 
until you have fully experienced every one.

and we've all been doing this for... forever.  this world was never 
"created," and it certainly didn't just accidentally 'happen' in a very 

now don't sue me, but we live in a galaxy filled with a billion stars 
(and counting!) in a universe filled with a hundred billion galaxies (at 
which point our computer froze).  and all across this World, this Life, 
this Thing, this Being, this Dynamic has been going on forever, with all 
its interweaving elements, and levels, and psychic physicalities, and 
without Beginning and certainly with no possible Ending.

Forever.  and that's it.  where did any other idea  come from?

this would, of course, include what Science is presently calling 
Parallel Worlds.  the truth is that, when you have an infinite 
existence, there is more than enough "time" to experience every single 
possible outcome of every choice you ever make or maybe even failed to make.
UP! It is illegal to enter the Houses of Parliament wearing a suit of 
armour (UK's top 10 most ridiculous laws)

[NEXT UP!  Travels round the Atlas continues with
Part Two - My Affair with a Muslim Widow
- a short story based in truth which takes us on an exhilarating, 
frightening, salivating and futuristic look behind the Veil.  yes, it 
really happened :)]

***the** **UP!** is a global edutainment round-up, broadcast weekly to 
***Alternative// Activist// Zippy// Trance// New Age// Peace folks*
***recommended to the **Parallel YOUniversity**// Megatripolis Dance 
Dept **as*
* **/"showing signs of life"./**  **Since recipients forward it widely 
to their own lists & sites*
*we conservatively estimate **_50,000+ _**direct recipients.*
*A further 40,000 read it on the YOUniversity's site.*
*And, because of its 'mix' of 'specialist' & 'general' content,*
*   it's increasingly being posted on a variety of sites worldwide,*
*making an estimated total weekly readership of **_=[275,000]=_*

Canadian Mayor:
Morons Are Running Our Drug Policies
Vancouver Mayor Larry Campbell launched an uncompromising attack against 
marijuana prohibition this week and directly accused US politicians of 
preventing Canada from legalising the plant.
The highly respected former drugs cop also ridiculed decriminalisation 
as simply helping drugs gangs, claimed a planned crackdown by new 
Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper will simply boost the prison 
industry, and called for tobacco-style education policies to reduce 
"The idea that marijuana is virtually any of the things that the drug 
warriors in the United States say is ludicrous.  They're much like the 
Conservative government -- they don't believe in scientific fact," Mayor 
Campbell told the Province newspaper.
"It's all ideology -- if they're wrong on this, then what else are they 
wrong on?  They won't even allow hemp.  That's how stupid these people 
are -- and they are stupid.  I describe 'White House drug czar John" 
Walters as a moron, and he is truly a moron," he said.

"Psychedelics are anticipating /this future state.  This electronic, 
global information organism is in fact already present."  /Terence McKenna.
UP!  If someone knocks on your door in Scotland and requires the use of 
your toilet, you are required to let them enter (UK's top 10 most 
ridiculous laws) (actually we rather like this one)

*all g o o d t h i n g s c o m **e t o a n e n d*
*which don't justify nuttin'*
U U U U U U U U U U U U UP! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !*
***YOUR PLANET NEEDS //YOU! This **HipList** grows purely by 
***YES, YES, SEND US EDUTAINING NEWS'N VIEWS no need to ask! :-)*
* **U U U U U U U U U U U U** **UP! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 
! ! ! ! ! *

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