[pagan-magik] UP! 267// The Last UP!// 01 11 07

fraser at parallel-youniversity.com fraser at parallel-youniversity.com
Thu Nov 1 23:54:39 GMT 2007


The UP! is balanced decent and true.
I am a hard critic but i think i am fair
and it's solid, edifying, and really is frontier.
It's really well written. Its brave and honest.
I learn a lot and it frightens me
as it should anyone who is paying attention.
I am still working and trying to understand.
Guy Damian.Knight, Cambodia.

BREAKING NEWS:  The "minor UK royal" in the "blackmail story" is being 
stated on the web to be Viscount Linley, 46, the son of Princess 
Margaret.  He is 12th in line to the British throne, chairman of 
Christie's UK, the international auction house, and gay.  Cocaine has 
also been reported to be involved.

Meanwhile the Queen's son, Harry the Soldier boy, who recently shot a 
pair of rare birds on her Sandringham Estate (one of only 749 breeding 
pairs left in the country) continues to deny this act of wanton 
environmental vandalism.

*____,,,,**_{**ô**¿**ô**}_,,,,_* fraser
this is the last UP! for a month or so.  am off to the Valley of the 7 
Waterfalls in the moroccan atlas mountains for 3 weeks of rest and, 
particularly, sunshine.  we've had a grisly summer in the uk this year 
and, if my skin doesn't have 50 hours of sunshine on it, am likely to 
get a grey cloud of depression hanging over me all winter.
remember how the UP! has been teaching you to read the news:)

dance culture continues to spread
some never left it :)

*/I'M /**/HAVING/*
(SENT IN by John Morris)

*Get UP!  /Stand Up For Your Rights! /**/(and everybody else's too of 
course! :)/*
*/u can't understand the world without innerstanding yourself/*
**  All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed. *UP! **267    *
**---- /LA- LA- LA- LAP-TOPPLING DA SYSTEM! ---///
Second, it is violently opposed. **01  11  07
//Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
*/u cant innerstand yourself without understanding the world/*
*  Get UP!  /And Don't Give Up The Fight! /**/(only we don't mean 
violence, ok? :)/*
FEATURING /exclusive re-writes & re-mixes of da freshest deepest hacks 
ancient & modern ,and/
/SAMPLES// from media & mentalities all over, & all bubbling //up! 
//from da public DNA Herself!/

**__* *__*
*Happy Birthday, Tim!*
*Thanks for sticking your neck out for all of us!*
** **
Happy Birthday, Tim. Thanks for sticking your neck out for all of us.

****/[click down screens to get there.  u r on screen 4 :]/
/ /
screen 05  Fraser Takes On An American Babe :)
screen 09  Professor to Fugitive Philosopher*__* *//***[from the NEW Tim 
Leary taster]
screen 11  I Am The Son of a Mill Worker - *Senator John Edwards*
screen 19  Sunlight May Halve Risk of Breast Cancer
screen 21  The Fascist Blueprint
screen 30  Rumsfeld Charged with Torture -during Trip to France

World War 111 is a Battle For Mens Minds
Fraser Takes On An American Babe :)
(who occasionally writes dirty to me :)

Frase, between you & I, it's a scarey thought Russia & Iran butt buddies 
now. Will there be a third war? Does Putan know something that none of 
the officials know elsewhere in this world? Arms Treaty my ass!!  All 
the time they and N Korea were jerking our chain... and we were stupid 
enough to buy it all.  What's our world coming to?  Are we all doomed?
bettyboo, michigan. USA.
> > not sure what you're referring to, girl, but the only problem i see 
is america bomming iran (or israel doing it).  as long as u guys get 
YOUR ship back in order the world's basically fine and can sort out things.
anyway we published some time back that russia had warned israel that if 
they attacked iran they would nuke it within the hour.  that's what's 
held the israelis back this far, id say.
for the past 50 years peace campaigners have argued that if we 
westerners have nuclear bombs everyone will need them too.  now it's 
happening and what do the perpetrators do?  threaten to nuke anyone else 
who tries to get them!  jeezuz am glad am not him :) 
uno how world war III is a battle for mens minds?  well, it sounds from 
your letter like they're hyping up this iran russia thing over there 
which ain't happening here AT ALL so far as i can see.  so my question 
is are they preparing YOU guys for an attack on iran? 

You are so on the money with it all!  I wouldn't want to be Bush 
either.  Most American's have lost faith in him and that means the News 
here too.
Thanks for helping me to understand a little more, but now tell me why 
is Russia so in with Iran?  What's the connection?  I always thought 
Russia wanted peace and everything was worked out with them.  I'm not 
grasping something ....
bettyboo, michigan. USA.
 >> for one thing iran is on russia's border.  the last thing they want 
is another american invasion on their border.
everyone agrees iran is 5 years from a bomb, and that's only if they're 
trying to build one. 
russia is watching america insinuate its troops all over the middle east 
(where a lot of oil is, apart from everything else) and iran is about 
the only nation that's resisting (as a nation), the rest being reduced 
to personal terrorism..
if iran wants a nuke that only makes them like us and is definitely for 
defence reasons because what else will stop america coming in?

Well, so far as of yesterday, 10/17, was the first that CNN news shed 
any light on it at all.  Now its possible I might have missed something 
on the news, but I heard this female reporter speaking of a 3rd world 
war and she seemed pretty fearful, plus, she surely had no respect for 
Bush boy.  It sounds to me like Bush is actually ready to attack Iran 
and I wonder where he is planning on getting the troops??  They are 
already stretched to the max.  How can this happen?  Is he plain ole 
stupid or what??  I heard that if there is a WW III it will go on for 
decades and terrorism will be happening here as well.  We will all be 
gone that's for sure!  Its going to take some kind of a miracle for war 
not to happen.  Bush seems to be willing to show the world that he won't 
take any bull from any country.  He won't back down.  Hell, its not his 
life, ya know!  Of course this is just my opinion as I see it.
bettyboo, michigan. USA.
 >> i don't know what CNN was saying.  the UP! reported the meeting in 
iran as 5 nations saying they'd back each other if either was attacked, 
which suggests THEY think bush might be mad enuff.  more likely israel 
of course.
so how did cnn report that summit?
american reporters may have finally seen thru bush but that don't mean 
they've yet understood that other peoples have other priorities, and 
that attacking america is just about the last thing on their mind.  or 
would be if america didn't continue barging forwards (ask the muslims).

OK, now I see, and it stands to reason.  Do you really believe that Iran 
is only 5 years away from building a bomb? 
> > that's what the IAEA (or wotever it is) sez.  and most of the 
scientists not employed by bush.  and nobody's proved they're even 
TRYING to build one though i reckon they are, and i think it's a 
perfectly sane thing to do on their part.  it's what i would do if i had 
yankee troops to the southwest in iraq, yankee troops to the east in 
afghanistan, yankee arms to the south in israel (which just bommed syria 
to the west) and etc.

If Iran did have one... wouldn't you think that they would use it? 
> >iran hasn't attacked another nation in izzit a thousand years?  why 
would they want to attack ANYONE?  in the past century america and 
germany are the only nations who've made a habit of attacking other 
nations right?

I mean look at terrorism now, and how they believe.  Why would they stop 
there and not threaten all of us, meaning Every country?  Hey, I can't 
see myself wearing the buka (or however you spell it), and hiding my 
virgin self... hell, no more fun!
> > it scares me when i hear you think like this.  why in god's name 
would ANYONE want to attack america when it's instant death for them?  
and pleeeease tell me why they'd want to attack EVERY country?!  utterly 
amazing that you could have this picture of what is the cradle of modern 
civilisation ruled by spiritual men (certainly compared to american 
politicians wouldn't u say?).  please explain cos i just can't grok 
where you're coming from.  do u think they're all "crazy mullahs" who 
want to make us all live under sharia law?  honestly is that it? do u 
think they'd rather be annihilated than allow you to walk around without 
a burkah?  hey i must put this in the UP!  "WW111 will be a battle for 
mens' minds".  looks like they're definitely winning in america :)
 I guess I am just really afraid now.  If Bush was smart he would have 
done something more to produce oil here in the USA.  That's what he 
should have been doing a long time ago.
Thank you Frase for talking with me about this... so much I don't know 
and you have really helped me.  I love ya guy!!!
 bettyboo, michigan. USA.

You know, I DO believe Bush is Mad enough!  One of those reporters made 
a sort of hint as to that anyhow.  I do believe that Bush will go to any 
means to stand up for America.  That's his job and anything less would 
make him a pussy.  Some of these muslims really scare me though, and we 
do have quite a few here near Detroit & surrounding areas.  Not all 
appear to be terrorist though.  Of course how would we really know, 
hey?  They aren't just going to show it out & out.  Hell my next door 
neighbor could be a terrorist for all I know, ya know.
 >> relax, girl :)  the absolutely worst thing that MIGHT happen is that 
america/israel will do targeted nuke hits on iran.  this will stir up a 
ghastly mess (apart from being utterly immoral of course! which won't 
improve our cultural milieu) followed by a spread of unrest and civil 
wars around the middle east over the next decade.  now what's so 
worrying about that?  nobody's gonna bomb YOU, let alone make u give up 
sex :)  you and i will be shagging in heaven before the blow-back hits 
on that level.

> > oh am sorry girl i wasn't being hostile.  we can change your name or 
not do it.  it's just such an insight into how americans' minds are 
constantly being 'groomed' - for war and outrage etc.

OK, I just read what you said about Iran.  I missed this last email 
last night.  I can tell you're gonna make mincemeat outta me for 
discussing this issue with you in the UP.  Hell, all I wanted was 
someone to break it down for me to understand some of this political 
crap.  I'm not trying to get in a shouting match with you Frase.  I just 
wanted your help in clarifying what I don't have much knowledge in.
> > neither am i girl it's the LAST thing on my mind.  what is good about 
it is how open you are to hearing new info - almost like you're starved 
of it, which is the case of course.  what i like about it is that you're 
asking and you're listening and you're adapting your opinion.  it's GOOD.
*You said:* iran hasn't attacked another nation in izzit a thousand 
years?  why would they want to attack ANYONE?  Well maybe its because 
they never had nukes before.
 >>yeah but they coulda attacked afghanistan or whatever that didn't 
need nukes.  i just want u to think why they or anyone would WANT to 
attack some other country?

Maybe they will now just want to show that they rule... who knows?
> > show that they rule?  but they'd be nuclear dust within 5 minutes and 
they know that perfectly well right? Not me, that's for sure!  If Iran 
has a nuclear weapon, and *IF* they *EVER* achieve it that threat 
becomes real!
> > they ALSO have to develop a rocket to carry it of course.  and then 
they have to develop a rocket that gets past star war defences.  and 
then it has to be accurate enuff not to land in a mississippi swamp 
etc.  it's actually quite a ridiculous notion once u go into it. It 
would be suicide to go to war with Iran,
> > bigger suicide for iran to go for america, no? but Bush let that WW 
III thingie drop in his speech here yesterday so who knows what he'll 
do. In my opinion they are a very dangerous country now.  Me thinks 
Russia & Iran are using each other to get what they want, wouldn't you 
say so?
> > what do they WANT?  i just don't gettit.  please explain.  if russia 
just wants iran to have a nuke they could surely just lend them a few, 
no? *Than you said:*  in the past century america and germany are the 
only nations who've made a habit of attacking other nations right?  That 
stands correct - even if it was before my time... well, almost anyhow.
> > i just added germany to be fair.  it's actually america america 
america with britain once in a while **
* *
* And:*  why would anyone want to attack america when it's instant death 
for them?  OK, you got me there, but wouldn't it mostly be because of 
Religious hatred?  Like you, I repeat only what I've heard....
> > religious hatred, now we're getting deeper into subconscious fears.  
so u imagine some kind of national suicide bombing where the whole of 
iran goes up in dust and all for getting a single nuke through into 
america and blowing up part of minniapolis right?
Yes I have this picture in my mind that Iran has a bunch of heathens and 
care nothing about a person's life and it doesn't matter even if its a 
child!  That's what I see in my mind when I hear of a human being 
strapped with bombs on their body and ready to die, and for the sake of 
what?  You call that SPIRITUAL .
> >well, they're certainly not in it just for the money right?  or the 
glory?  or for a record deal?  that's sorta 'spiritual' isn't it?  they 
choose to die for some Purpose greater than themselves.  that's surely 
an attempt at social service, albeit horrific of course.
As I said before, I am not a politician. I'm just a woman who hears the 
news and believes only part of it,
> > which is the precise value of this conversation!  my best friend just 
returned from america 3 days ago and laments how nice and lovely and 
friendly americans are but how they've been groomed by their government 
into a terrifyingly dangerous ignorance.  he did point out something i'd 
never thought of before.  it's not so much the slanted lying information 
but, in his case, the LACK of ANY information.  they don't buy a 
national newspaper they get the local one but that's mostly for tv and 
sales with 3 inches of "foreign news".  like who we slaughtered today. 
but I DO fear people who don't want to live & let live. You don't think 
for one minute that these terrorist only believe in their law?
> > oh it's the sharia law thing izzit?  u think they dream about taking 
over america and imposing a sharia regime?!  i once had a chicago 
girlfriend who, in her youth, used to dream that the Commies had landed 
and were marching towards chicago and they'd be looking for her under 
her bed.  she had real nightmares about this.  looking back it's so off 
the mark as to be utterly ridiculous.  america coulda wiped out russia 
in half an hour so there was never any threat.  and now u got it about 
iran which ain't even got one bomb yet.  scary.  yes, of course they may 
dream of a muslim planet but gays dream of a gay planet i spose.  Other 
than *OIL *isn't this a true fact?  Yeah, I think the Muslim men would 
rather rule it all than see a woman show any skin.  I hope all Muslim 
women defy these old rules that are outdated.
OK go ahead put this all in the UP. I guess you need new material anyhow.
bettyboo, michigan. USA.
> > i am absolutely ready NOT to print it.  it just hit me in the 
middle.  and it wasn't against YOU, but i thought it DID show the level 
of fear and ignorance that's been inculcated into american minds even 
when they try to think independently there's just almost no access to 
true information.  i appreciate and respect that you WERE asking genuine 
questions with a REAL wish to understand more.  honest :)

Ah ha well done my dear Frase.  Hell, you were even gentle with me, ... 
hmmmm I talk dirty to you, er?  Maybe some day we need to do more than 
talk!  I mean at our age, can we?  WHOOOOOPIE!!  Thank you for hiding me 

Zogby: Majority Favor Strikes on Iran
52% of likely voters would support a U.S. military strike to prevent 
Iran from building a nuclear weapon, and 53% believe it is likely that 
the U.S. will be involved in a military strike against Iran before the 
next presidential election, a new Zogby America telephone poll shows.

'The Politics of Ecstasy'

Professor to Fugitive Philosopher
[from The Fugitive Philosopher, a NEW Tim Leary taster for the next 
generation, from Ronin Press]
*/When I arrived in prison, I was given psychological tests used to 
assign inmates to appropriate work details..  Among the tests was the 
'Leary Interpersonal Behaviour Test' - the test I'd developed when at 
Kaiser University.  What a stroke of luck!  Or grace!  I answered the 
items so as to portray myself as a very conforming, conventional person 
with a great interest in forestry and gardening.  I was hoping to get 
into some kind of low security prison. 

It worked!  /**/I was sent to the Californian Men's Colony, a minimum 
security prison near San Luis Obispo where /**/I was assigned to work as 
a gardener.

On September 12, 1970, I escaped from prison by shimmying along a cable 
that stretched to a phone pole outside the prison wall.  The Weathermen* 
took me to a safe house where Rosemary was waiting.  For a fee paid by 
The Brotherhood of Eternal Love, the Weathermen promised to smuggle us 
out of the country to Europe.

The feeling that I had made a nonviolent escape was a sense of 
tremendous exaltation and humour and joy.  I laughed and laughed and 
laughed, thinking about what the guards were doing now!  They were going 
to discover my absence, and then they'd phone Sacramento.  Heads would 
be rolling.  The bureaucracy would be in a stew.

This kept me laughing for two or three weeks.  I felt it had been a very 
successful piece of performance art.  Providing an example, a model, of 
how to deal with the criminal-justice system and the police 
bureaucracies.  Nonviolent theatre.  We all thought that this was a 
great joke - one never appreciated by law-enforcement.

I imagined being recognised and hearing the clink of handcuffs.  They 
would be expecting me to paste on a mustache.  Surveillance of 
international flights was at an all time high.  Could I really get by 
sharp-eyed security guards checking each face for hijackers - and 
fugitive philosophers?

/**/"They won't be looking for a balding businessman" Kelly Chuckled.  
"Get ready for the barber.  Get your shirt off and sit."  She trimmed my 
hair into an American butch, snipping close to the scalp at the top of 
my head.  "Now to shave the top" she grinned as she squirted lather on 
my head and draped it in a hot rug./*


*/A balding stranger peered out of the mirror at me.  I gasped at how 
I'd changed.  I began to feel a little reassured.  Rosemary laughed deeply.

Holding a new passport a bland-looking, middle-aged man walked through 
the metal detector onto the TWA flight to Paris.  Across the aisle I 
caught the eye of a pleasant-looking young woman featuring a bubble 
perm, and winked.
* ultra activists who turned to violence against the Sick System

during the last american presidential american
i heartily took on the voices insisting that
there was no difference between gore and bush.

well, brothers and sisters, al gore would NOT have taken us into Iraq.

now i'm hearing the weasel voices again.
well, let me be clear: i shall be supporting hillary clinton
because she is BETTER than any republican, period.

but i beg you to read this speech by Senator John Edwards
who could make a far better president -

I Am The Son of a Mill Worker*
Senator John Edwards*
@ St. Anselm's College, Manchester, New Hampshire, October 29, 2007


" I run for president for my father who worked in a mill his entire life 
and never got to go to college the way I did.
I run for president for all those who worked in that mill with my father.
I run for president for all those who lost their jobs when that mill was 
shut down.
I run for president for all the women who have come up to Elizabeth and 
me and told us the like Elizabeth they had breast cancer -- but unlike 
Elizabeth they did not have health care.
I run for president for twenty generations of Americans who made sure 
that their children had a better life than they did."


Many of you know that I am the son of a mill worker -- that I rose from 
modest means and have been blessed in so many ways in life. Elizabeth 
and I have so much to be grateful for.

And all of you know about some of the challenges we have faced in my 
family. But there came a time, a few months ago, when Elizabeth and I 
had to decide, in the quiet of a hospital room, after many hours of 
tests and getting pretty bad news -- what we were going to do with our 

And we made our decision. That we were not going to go quietly into the 
night -- that we were going to stand and fight for what we believe in.

As Elizabeth and I have campaigned across America, I've come to a better 
understanding of what that decision really meant -- and why we made it.

Earlier this year, I spoke at Riverside Church in New York, where, forty 
years ago, Martin Luther King gave a historic speech. I talked about 
that speech then, and I want to talk about it today. Dr. King was 
tormented by the way he had kept silent for two years about the Vietnam 

He was told that if he spoke out he would hurt the civil rights movement 
and all that he had worked for -- but he could not take it any more -- 
instead of decrying the silence of others -- he spoke the truth about 

"Over the past two years" he said, "I have moved to break the betrayal 
of my own silence and speak from the burning of my own heart."

I am not holier than thou. I am not perfect by any means. But there are 
events in life that you learn from, and which remind you what this is 
really all about. Maybe I have been freed from the system and the fear 
that holds back politicians because I have learned there are much more 
important things in life than winning elections at the cost of selling 
your soul.

Especially right now, when our country requires so much more of us, and 
needs to hear the truth from its leaders.

And, although I have spent my entire life taking on the big powerful 
interests and winning -- which is why I have never taken a dime from 
Washington lobbyists or political action committees -- I too have been 
guilty of my own silence -- but no more.

It's time to tell the truth. And the truth is the system in Washington 
is corrupt. It is rigged by the powerful special interests to benefit 
they very few at the expense of the many. And as a result, the American 
people have lost faith in our broken system in Washington, and believe 
it no longer works for ordinary Americans. They're right.

As I look across the political landscape of both parties today -- what I 
see are politicians too afraid to tell the truth -- good people caught 
in a bad system that overwhelms their good intentions and requires them 
to chase millions of dollars in campaign contributions in order to 
perpetuate their careers and continue their climb to higher office.

This presidential campaign is a perfect example of how our politics is 
awash with money. I have raised more money up to this point than any 
Democratic candidate raised last time in the presidential campaign -- 
$30 million. And, I did it without taking a dime from any Washington 
lobbyist or any special interest PAC.

I saw the chase for campaign money at any cost by the frontrunner in 
this race -- and I did not join it -- because the cost to our nation and 
our children is not worth the hollow victory of any candidate. Being 
called president while powerful interests really run things is not the 
same as being free to lead this nation as president of a government of 
the people, by the people, and for the people. If protecting the current 
established structure in Washington is in your interest, then I am not 
your candidate. I ran for president four years ago -- yes, in part out 
of personal ambition -- but also with a deep desire to stand for working 
people like my father and mother -- who no matter how hard things were 
for our family, always worked even harder to make things better for us.

But the more Elizabeth and I campaigned this year, the more we talked to 
the American people, the more we met people just like my father, and 
hard working people like James Lowe. James is a decent and honest man 
who had to live for 50 years with no voice in the richest country in the 
world because he didn't have health care. The more people like him that 
I met, the more I realized something much bigger was stirring in the 
American people. And it has stirred in each of us for far too long.

It is incredible what America has accomplished. Because no matter what 
extraordinary challenges we have been faced with, we did exactly what 
America has always done in our history -- we rose to the challenge.

And, now, as I travel across America and listen to people, I hear real 
concern about what's going on. For the first time in our nation's 
history, people are worried that we're going to be the first generation 
of Americans not to pass on a better life to our children.

And it's not the fault of the American people. The American people have 
not changed. The American people are still the strong, courageous people 
they have always been. The problem is what our government has become. 
And, it is up to us to do something about it.

Because Washington may not see it, but we are facing a moral crisis as 
great as any that has ever challenged us. And, it is this test -- this 
moral test -- that I have come to understand is at the heart of this 

It is not an accident that the government of the United States cannot 
function on behalf of its people, because it is no longer our people's 
government -- and we the people know it.

This corruption did not begin yesterday -- and it did not even begin 
with George Bush -- it has been building for decades -- until it now 
threatens literally the life of our democracy.

While the American people personally rose to the occasion with an 
enormous outpouring of support and donations to both the victims of 
Katrina and 9/11 -- we all saw our government's neglect. And we saw 
greed and incompetence at work. Out of more than 700 contracts valued at 
$500,000 or greater, at least half were given without full competition 
or, according to news sources, with vague or open ended terms, and many 
of these contracts went to companies with deep political connections 
such as a subsidiary of Haliburton, Bechtel Corp., and AshBritt Inc.

And in Iraq -- while our nation's brave sons and daughters put their 
lives on the line for our country -- we now have mercenaries under their 
own law while their bosses sit at home raking in millions.

We have squandered millions on building Olympic size swimming pools and 
buildings that have never been used. We have weapons and ammunition 
unaccounted for that may now be being used against our own soldiers. We 
literally have billions wasted or misspent -- while our troops and their 
families continue to sacrifice.

It goes on every minute of every day.

Corporate executives at United Airlines and US Airways receive millions 
in compensation for taking their companies into bankruptcy, while their 
employees are forced to take cuts in pay.

Companies like Wal-Mart lobby against inspecting containers entering our 
nation's ports, even though expert after expert agrees that the 
likeliest way for a dirty bomb to enter the United States is through a 
container, because they believe their profits are more important than 
our safety. What has become of America when America's largest company 
lobbies against protecting America?

Trade deals cost of millions of jobs. What do we get in return? Millions 
of dangerous Chinese toys in our children's cribs laden with lead. This 
is the price we are made to pay when trade agreements are decided based 
on how much they pad the profits for multinational corporations instead 
of what is best for America's workers or the safety of America's consumers.

We have even gotten to the point where our children's safety is 
potentially at risk because nearly half of the apple juice consumed by 
our children comes from apples grown in China. And Americans are kept in 
the dark because the corporate lobbyists have pushed back country of 
origin labeling laws again and again.

This is not the America I believe in.

The hubris of greed knows no bounds. Days after the homeland security 
bill passed, staffers from the homeland security department resigned and 
became homeland security consultants trying to cash in. And, where was 
the outrage? There was none, because that's how it works in Washington 
now. It is not a Republican revolving door or a Democratic revolving 
door -- it is just the way it's done.

Someone called it a government reconnaissance mission to figure out how 
to get rich when you leave the government.

Recently, I was dismayed to see headlines in the Wall Street Journal 
stating that Senate Democrats were backing down to lobbyists for hedge 
funds who have opposed efforts to make millionaire and billionaire hedge 
fund managers pay the same tax rate as every hard-working American. Now, 
tax loopholes the wealthy hedge fund managers do not need or deserve are 
not going to be closed, all because Democrats -- our party -- wanted 
their campaign money.

Senator Clinton's road to the middle class takes a major detour right 
through the deep canyon of corporate lobbyists and the hidden bidding of 
K Street in Washington -- and history tells us that when that bus stops 
there it is the middle class that loses.

When I asked Hillary Clinton to join me in not taking money from 
Washington lobbyists -- she refused. Not only did she say that she would 
continue to take their money, she defended them.

Today Hillary Clinton has taken more money from Washington lobbyists 
than any candidate from either party -- more money than any Republican 

She has taken more money from the defense industry than any other 
candidate from either party as well.

She took more money from Wall Street last quarter than Rudy Giuliani, 
Mitt Romney, and Barack Obama combined.

The long slow slide of our democracy into the corporate abyss continues 
unabated regardless of party, regardless of the best interests of America.

We have a duty -- a duty to end this.

I believe you cannot be for change and take money from the lobbyists who 
prevent change. You cannot take on the entrenched interests in 
Washington if you choose to defend the broken system. It will not work. 
And I believe that, if Americans have a choice, any candidate who takes 
their money -- Democrat or Republican -- will lose this election.

For us to continue down this path all we have to do is suspend all that 
we believe in. As Democrats, we continue down this path only if we 
believe the party of the people is no more.

As Americans, we continue down this path only if we fail to heed 
Lincoln's warning to us all.

"At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected," he asked, 
"if it ever reaches us it must spring up amongst us. It can not come 
from abroad. If destruction be our lot -- we must ourselves be its 
author and finisher. As a nation of free men we must live through all 
time or die by suicide."

America lives because 20 generations have honored the one moral 
commandment that makes us Americans.

To give our children a better future than we received.

I stand here today the son of Wallace and Bobbie Edwards. The father of 
Wade, Cate, Emma Claire and Jack -- and I know, as well as you, that we 
must not be the first generation that fails to live up to our moral 
challenge and keep the promise of America.

That would be an abomination.

There is a dream that is America. It is what makes us American. And I 
will not stand by while that dream is at risk.

I am not perfect -- far from it -- but I do understand that this is not 
a political issue -- it is the moral test of our generation.

Our nation's founders knew that this moment would come -- that at some 
point the power of greed and its influence over officials in our 
government might strain and threaten the very America they hoped would 
last as an ideal in the minds of all people, and as a beacon of hope for 
all time.

That is why they made the people sovereign. And this is why it is your 
responsibility to redeem the promise of America for our children and 
their future.

It will not be easy -- sacrifice will be required of us -- but it was 
never easy for our ancestors, and their sacrifices were far greater than 
any that will fall on our shoulders.

Yet, the responsibility is ours.

We, you and I, are the guardians of what America is and what it will be.

The choice is ours.

Down one path, we trade corporate Democrats for corporate Republicans; 
our cronies for their cronies; one political dynasty for another 
dynasty; and all we are left with is a Democratic version of the 
Republican corruption machine.

It is the easier path. It is the path of the status quo. But, it is a 
path that perpetuates a corrupt system that has not only failed to 
deliver the change the American people demand, but has divided America 
into two -- one America for the very greedy, and one America for 
everybody else.

And it is that divided America -- the direct result of this corrupt 
system -- which may very well lead to the suicide Lincoln warned us of 
-- the poison that continues to seep into our system while none notice.

Or we can choose a different path. The path that generations of 
Americans command us to take. And be the guardians that kept the faith.

I run for president for my father who worked in a mill his entire life 
and never got to go to college the way I did.

I run for president for all those who worked in that mill with my father.

I run for president for all those who lost their jobs when that mill was 
shut down.

I run for president for all the women who have come up to Elizabeth and 
me and told us the like Elizabeth they had breast cancer -- but unlike 
Elizabeth they did not have health care.

I run for president for twenty generations of Americans who made sure 
that their children had a better life than they did.

As Americans we are blessed -- for our ancestors are not dead, they 
occupy the corridors of our conscience. And, as long we keep the faith 
-- they live. And so too the America of idealism and hope that was their 
gift to us.

I carry the promise of America in my heart, where my parents placed it. 
Like them, like you, I believe in people, hard work, and the sacred 
obligation of each generation to the next.

This is our time now. It falls to us to redeem our democracy, reclaim 
our government and relight the promise of America for our children.

Let us blaze a new path together, grounded in the values from which 
America was forged, still reaching toward the greatness of our ideals. 
We can do it. We can cast aside the bankrupt ways of Washington and 
replace them with the timeless values of the American people. We can 
liberate our government from the shackles of corporate money that bind 
it to corporate will, and restore the voices of our people to its halls.

This is the cause of my life. This is the cause of our time. Join me. 
Together, we cannot fail.

We will keep faith with those who have gone before us, strong and proud 
in the knowledge that we too rose up to guard the promise of America in 
our day, and that, because we did, America's best days still lie ahead.

 / /
/Sunlight May Halve Risk of Advanced Breast Cancer
A research team from the Northern California Cancer Center, the 
University of Southern California, and Wake Forest University School of 
Medicine has found that increased exposure to sunlight - which increases 
levels of vitamin D in the body - may decrease the risk of advanced 
breast cancer.

In a study reported in the American Journal of Epidemiology, the 
researchers found that women with high sun exposure had half the risk of 
developing advanced breast cancer, which is cancer that has spread 
beyond the breast, compared to women with low sun exposure.  These 
findings were observed only for women with naturally light skin color.  
The study defined high sun exposure as having dark skin on the forehead, 
an area that is usually exposed to sunlight.

The scientists used a portable reflectometer to measure skin colour on 
the underarm, an area that is usually not directly exposed to sunlight.  
Based on these measurements, they classified the women as having light, 
medium or dark natural skin color.  Researchers then compared sun 
exposure between women with breast cancer and those without breast 
cancer.  Sun exposure was measured as the difference in skin colour 
between the underarm and the forehead.

In women with naturally light skin pigmentation, the group without 
breast cancer had significantly more sun exposure than the group with 
breast cancer.  The fact that this difference occurred only in one group 
suggests that the effect was due to differences in vitamin D production  
and wasn't just because the women were sick and unable to go outdoors.  
In addition, the effect held true regardless of whether the cancer was 
diagnosed in the summer or in the winter.  The difference was seen only 
in women with advanced disease, suggesting that vitamin D may be 
important in slowing the growth of breast cancer cells.

"We believe that sunlight helps to reduce women's risk of breast cancer 
because the body manufactures the active form of vitamin D from exposure 
to sunlight," said Esther John, Ph.D., lead researcher on the study from 
the Northern California Cancer Center.  "It is possible that these 
effects were observed only among light- skinned women because sun 
exposure produces less vitamin D among women with naturally darker 

These new findings about breast cancer risk and sun exposure based on 
skin color measurements are consistent with previous research by John 
and colleagues that had shown that women who reported frequent sun 
exposure had a lower risk of developing breast cancer than women with 
infrequent sun exposure.

although, probably like you, i'd been hearing rumours of creeping 
fascism in america for some years now, and been uneasily aware of its 
lesser fractals here in europe, i'd dismissed it as a side issue 
bye-product to everything else that's happening.  _UNTIL NOW_.

but WHEN I LISTENED TO THE VIDEO BELOW i realised i'd been mis-picturing 
fascism as some kinda public political thing, with announcements on tv 
and maybe soldiers marching.  but that's not how the Fascist Blueprint 

it creeps in like a thief in the night until it's too late to resist.  
it's targeted much more (and deliberately so) _/personal/_/ly./...

The Fascist Blueprint
1.  American Tears*
*Talk by Naomi Wolf on her current/ /**/'The End of America'/ **tour /* 
October 11, 2007
"A network of criminal behavior and intention
is catching up more and more mainstream citizens in its grasp"

Fascism doesn't arrive overnight... it isn't announced... the Fascist 
Blueprint  is applied gradually... "free"elections may even continue... 
but citizens are deliberately made fearful by unpredictable authority 
violence... and they're made fearful of being on "The Lists".  Such a 
blueprint means we are now living in a "closing democracy" BUT WE CAN, 

I wish people would stop breaking into tears when they talk to me these 

I am traveling across the country at the moment - Colorado to California 
- speaking to groups of Americans from all walks of life about the 
assault on liberty and the 10 steps now underway to a violently closed 

The good news is that Americans are already awake: I thought there would 
be resistance to or disbelief at my message of gathering darkness - but 
I am finding crowds of people who don't need me to tell them to worry; 
they are already scared, already alert to the danger, and entirely 
prepared to hear what the big picture might look like.  To my great 
relief, Americans are smart and brave and they are unflinching in their 
readiness to hear the worst and take action.  And they love their country.

But I can't stand the stories I am hearing.  I can't stand to open my 
email these days.  And wherever I go, it seems, at least once a day, 
someone very strong starts to cry while they are speaking.

In Boulder, 2 days ago, a rosy-cheeked thirtysomething mother of two 
small children, in soft yoga velours, started to tear up when she said 
to me: "I want to take action but I am so scared. I look at my kids and 
I am scared. How do you deal with fear? Is it safer for them if I act or 
stay quiet? I don't want to get on a list." 

In Washington D.C., before that, a beefy, handsome civil servant, a 
government department head - probably a Republican - confides in a 
lowered voice that he is scared to sign the new ID requirement for all 
government employees, that exposes all his most personal information to 
the State - but he is scared not to sign it: "If I don't, I lose my job, 
my house. It's like the German National ID card". 

This morning in Denver I talked for almost an hour to a brave, 
much-decorated high-level military man who is not only on the watch list 
for his criticism of the administration - his family is now on the 
list.  His elderly mother is on the list.  His teenage son is on the 
list.  He has flown many dangerous combat missions over the course of 
his military career, but his voice cracks when he talks about the 
possibility that he is exposing his children to harassment.

*** Jim Spencer, a former columnist for the Denver Post who has been 
critical of the Bush administration, told me today that I could use his 
name: he is on the watch list.  *** An attorney contacts me to say that 
she told her colleagues at the Justice Department not to torture a 
detainee; she says she then faced a criminal investigation, a 
professional referral, saw her emails deleted - and now she is on the 
watch list.  *** I was told last night that a leader of Code Pink, the 
anti-war women's action group, was refused entry to Canada.  *** I hear 
from a tech guy who works for the airlines - again, probably a 
Republican - that once you are on the list you never get off.  *** 
Someone else says that his friend opened his luggage to find a letter 
from the TSA saying that they did not appreciate his reading material.  
*** Before I go into the security lines, I find myself editing my 
 >> for the horrible experience of a young-ish brit tourist in america, 
read Polly's Scary Personal Tale  below, and shudder.

In New York's LaGuardia, I reluctantly found myself putting a hardcover 
copy of Tara McKelvey's excellent Monstering, an expose of CIA 
interrogation practices, in a garbage can before I get in the security 
line; it is based on classified information.  This morning at my hotel, 
before going to the airport, I threw away a very nice black T-shirt that 
said "We Will Not be Silenced" - with an Arabic translation - that 
someone had given me, along with a copy of poems written by detainees at 

In my America citizens are not scared to get in line at the airport.  In 
my America, we will not be silenced.

More times than I can count, courageous and confident men who are 
telling me about speaking up, but who are risking what they see as the 
possible loss of job, home or the ability to pay for grown kids' 
schooling, start to choke up.  Yesterday a woman in one gathering 
started to cry simply while talking about the degradation of her beloved 

And always the questions: what do we do?

It is clear from this inundation of personal stories of abuse and 
retribution against ordinary Americans that a network of criminal 
behavior and intention is catching up more and more mainstream citizens 
in its grasp.
 >> see Polly's Scary Personal Tale  below.

It is clear that this is not democracy as usual - or even the corruption 
of democracy as usual.  It is clear that we will need more drastic 
action than emails to Congress.

The people I am hearing from are conservatives and independents as well 
as progressives.  The cardinal rule of a closing or closed society is 
that your alignment with the regime offers no protection; in a true 
police state no one is safe.

I read the news daily in a state of something like walking shock:
7 soldiers wrote op-eds critical of the war in The New York Times; 3 are 
dead, one shot in the head. 
A female soldier who was about to become a whistleblower, possibly about 
abuses involving taxpayers' money: shot in the head.
Pat Tillman, who was contemplating coming forward in a critique of the 
war: shot in the head.
Donald Vance, a contractor himself, who blew the whistle on 
irregularities involving arms sales in Iraq - taken hostage FROM the 
U.S. Embassy BY U.S. soldiers and kept without recourse to a lawyer in a 
U.S. held-prison, abused and terrified for weeks - and scared to talk 
once he got home.
Another whistleblower in Iraq, as reported in Vanity Fair: held in a 
trailer all night by armed contractors before being ejected from the 

Last week contractors, immune from the rule of law, butchered 17 Iraqi 
civilians in cold blood.  Congress mildly objected - and contractors 
today butcher two more innocent civilian Iraqi ladies - in cold blood.

Is it clear yet that violent retribution, torture or maybe worse, seems 
to go right up this chain of command? 
Is it clear yet that these people are capable of anything?
Is it obvious yet that criminals are at the helm of the nation and need 
to be not only ousted but held accountable for their crimes?

Is it treason yet?
> > you've been reading this in the UP! for several year now, remember.

This is an open invitation to honorable patriots on the Right and in the 
center to join this movement to restore the rule of law and confront 
this horror: this is not conservatism, it is a series of crimes against 
the nation and against the very essence of America.  Join us, we need 
you <http://www.americanfreedomcampaign.org/>.

This movement must transcend partisan lines.  The power of individual 
conscience is profound when people start to wake up.

    * A judge today ruled that the U.S. can't just ship prisoners out of
      Guantanamo to be tortured at will - she said No.
    * The Center for Constitutional Rights is about to file a civil
      lawsuit -- against Blackwater
      <http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/101707C.shtml>: they are saying No.
    * Former Deputy Attorney General James Comey said No: he told
      colleagues that they would be ashamed when the world learned about
      the Administration's warrantless wiretapping.

In Germany, according to historian Richard Evans, in 1931-1932, if 
enough Germans of conscience had begun to say No - history would have 
had an entirely different outcome.

If we go any further down this road the tears will be those of 
conservatives as well as progressives.  They will be American tears.

The time for weeping has to stop; the time for confronting must begin.
*Talk by Naomi Wolf - The End of America* (47 mins)

***T**E**X**T **J**O**C**K**E**Y //**TJ PHRASER (**Fraser Clark**) & THE 
***@ A MEDIA-MEME RATE OF **160 IPP * * **Ideas Per Paragraph*
**fraser at parallel-youniversity.com*

The Fascist Blueprint
2.  Polly's Scary Personal Tale
"I shouldn't have been stripped of all my rights like that"
"Until you experience these things personally you cannot realise the 
impact of their truth"
It would be hard to imagine anyone less politically active than Polly.  
I've known her since the early rave scene when she was a young, 
blissed-out raver who sometimes felt she was on a divine Mission in the 
nicest possible way :)  Indeed I've been critical of ravers like her who 
don't even follow the news. 

It was supposed to be a dream come true, a 21^st century fairytale.  I 
was escaping the tyranny of my non-stop routine as a working mother and 
going to the land of the free for the first time.  I've hardly travelled 
at all, and to be going to America was tremendously exciting, meeting 
some of my heroes, and spending what I imagined would be two blissful 
weeks in the company of a boy I had met on MySpace.  A boy I found so 
stunningly beautiful he made my heart flip and my stomach spin like no 

At the passport counter, the guy joked with me, "Are you going to pick 
up cowboys?"  I was actually.  Obviously, speaking at the book festival 
and getting my work known in the USA was important too.  But that wasn't 
what was making my heart sing.  It was the thought of meeting all the 
amazing writers I had heard so much about, and connected with over the 
internet, some of the most conscious people on the planet, and spending 
a weekend with hundreds of people on the same wavelength as me.

He asked me to take a ticket and go to immigration, which I did 
confidently.  The angels are with me, I am very protected, I felt sure 
it would all be fine.  The woman dealing with me was immediately hostile 
and aggressive in her tone, and dare I say it, straight out of a US cop 
show -- Cojbasic, her name badge read.  I think she was a lizard too, 
her eyes kept rolling back in her head.  They took my bags for 
searching, and while I was waiting I did some stretching -- I had been 
sitting on a plane for eight hours.  A woman barked at me, "Don't do 
your yoga in here, this is a place of business."  I wasn't doing 
headstands or anything, just simple side stretches.  "I'm just 
stretching." I replied.  "Do you understand me?" she asked menacingly.  
I did.  These people were the real deal.  Proper fascists.  There was a 
guy from Romania and a woman from Norway also being held.  "The land of 
the free!" I said.  They didn't look amused.

She took me in for questioning, if you can call it that.  She said she 
didn't believe I had anywhere to stay, although I could have proved it 
if she had let me.  She said the $200 dollars I had wasn't enough to 
live on, although I could have got more with my cash card if they'd let 
me.  There were plenty of ways I could have proved my credentials: one 
or two quick phone calls would have done it, but they weren't interested 
in proving my innocence.  The supervisor kept saying that the burden of 
proof was on me, yet every time I tried to open my mouth to defend 
myself they would shut me up.  They kept threatening me with jail and 
they meant it.  If I had spoken up for myself and been anything but 
compliant, if I had said how utterly wrong their behaviour towards me 
was, I am positive they would have had no qualms about locking me up.

They asked me the most outrageous questions: about my sex life, if I was 
a member of a cult, what my ex-husband thought about me going off to 
meet another man, if I had ever been under psychiatric supervision, if I 
abused my children.  They would ask me these sort of questions over and 
over, rather than any real attempts to listen to the truth of my 
situation.  If I suggested that maybe the question was irrelevant, or 
was unable to answer in simple yes and no terms, they barked "refusal to 
answer" at me, like it was a punishable offence.  The supervisor asked 
me over and over again how else I made my income apart from writing.  I 
explained that I am a well-established and well-respected writer who 
makes money from consultations, workshops and magazine articles as well 
as touring internationally, but they didn't want to acknowledge that.  I 
kept testifying to the kindness of my ex-husband and my friends both in 
the UK and the US, but they wouldn't have any of it: why would a friend 
pay for your plane ticket, it didn't add up, they said.  Why would your 
ex-husband still support you if you were the type to go gallivanting off 
after cowboys?   Why would a boy in America have you to stay without 
knowing you or expecting anything in return?

The official name on my passport is Polly Magic.  I try to live my life 
through the power of love, and attest to the magic that this creates in 
the world.  This incident has made me all the more appreciative of the 
people around me who value me for this, who celebrate my unconventional 
views and hold them up as something to aspire to.  Indeed, I am so 
surrounded by acceptance nowadays, I had forgotten what it was like to 
be seen as hostile.  I believe the immigration people didn't like my 
name, they didn't like my tattoos, they didn't like my sparkly trainers 
and gold nail varnish; they were threatened by the high and pure love 
vibration I was omitting as I stepped off the plane, excited at a new 
chapter of my life opening before me.  It is not an energy they are 
familiar with.  I believe the oppression and restrictions placed on 
people by the American authorities is at a level equal to that of 
Hitler's Germany.  It was something I understood conceptually before, 
because of events like 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina, but until you 
experience these things personally you cannot realise the impact of 
their truth.  I was coming to their country with nothing but love in my 
heart, coming to spread my message of hope and change and the brighter 
future I see blossoming around us.  I was treated like a criminal and 
verbally abused.  When Cojbasic tried to take my fingerprints my hands 
were sweaty.  "Relax!" she scolded.  "Relax or I'll break your fingers. 
If we can't take your fingerprints you'll go to jail."  This was in the 
presence of another officer, who made no comment, and took this as 
perfectly acceptable.  His ornate forearm tattoo read "God Bless America."

In my bag they found chocolate bars containing hemp seeds.  I had not 
thought it was illegal to bring hemp into the USA.  So now they had 
something to pin on me.  He tested a bar and brought it to me claiming 
it tested positive for narcotics, which it clearly doesn't.  I think he 
expected me to admit I was a dope dealer, he kept asking me the last 
time I smoked marijuana.  They said they were going to fine me $5000 
dollars.  Then suddenly it was $500 dollars which I had to pay then and 
there.  They frogmarched me to a cashpoint and made me withdraw the 
money, although when I'd offered to do this earlier to prove I had 
funds, they said that was not something they would do.  Then the only 
cash available was in pounds sterling, so they let me go without paying 
anyway.  I had to sign a form, but I questioned which bars they had 
taken because not all of them contained hemp, only a few.  He snatched 
the form away from me, saying, "OK, refusal to sign."  The whole thing 
was completely inconsistent and nonsensical.
> > see 6 below.

I asked their names for my records and they refused to give them to me.  
They took my credit cards and didn't allow me any phone calls.  They 
demanded passwords to my internet accounts, they opened my computer and 
went into my private documents.  Is this allowed? 
> > probably not (yet) without sufficient proof, but the point is to 
scare you so u no longer dare demand your 'rights.'

And if it is allowed, why?  And what was the point, considering if 
they'd checked me out at all, they would have discovered me to be bona 
fide?  OK, yes I was stupid to take the chocolate in my case.  But that 
was really the only thing I did wrong, and on the form they gave me it 
says, "In return for this promise, US Customs has permitted entry into 
the US without further detention of any conveyance or baggage." 

Instead they put me straight back on a plane via Amsterdam, so I spent 
28 hrs solid on planes and in airports.  I was in a state of shock; 
right after it happened I went very cold, my teeth were chattering, I 
couldn't stop shaking and I kept bursting into tears randomly for the 
whole of the next day as soon as anyone showed me any human kindness.  
The officials treated me despicably and inhumanely and I hadn't even 
done anything.   What would they be like to someone who had actually 
broken the laws?  It's very scary.  The written testament they gave me 
of the interview misses out any inappropriate questions and as such is a 
completely inaccurate record of the interview, a falsified document.

Coming home, I've been surprised at the amount of people who haven't 
been surprised; who have actually had similar things happen to them or 
friends.  It seems it's pretty standard to get turned away if you look 
"alternative".  Apparently, I was stupid for telling them I'd smoked 
marijuana 20 years ago, but when British cabinet members and US 
presidents have all admitted it, I really thought it wasn't taboo any 

The point is, I was trying to do the right thing, I was trying to be 
completely honest with them, I didn't feel I had anything to hide.  The 
way I live in the south of England in 2007, I don't feel alternative 
anymore, I feel accepted and understood.  I'd forgotten how much people 
who choose to live their lives outside of the norm still unconsciously 
expect to be persecuted, harassed, ridiculed, and to be forced to be 

Looking back two days later, of course there were things I should have 
said that I didn't or things I didn't say that I should have done.  But 
the point is, I shouldn't have been stripped of all my rights like that, 
and I shouldn't have been put in a position where I had to defend myself 
against such a fierce and unwarranted attack.  The point is, according 
to the law, yes, they are in the right.  But that's because they make up 
the laws.  According to any sort of moral or ethical judgement they are 
so in the wrong it is a total outrage that they are allowed to get away 
with it. 

It's very very important people realise the levels of barbarity and 
injustice America has sunk to right now.  It's important we continue to 
stand up for what we believe in, making conscious strides towards love 
and truth and peace, or the more and more this disgusting treatment will 
be happening to us, our friends and our families.

The Fascist Blueprint
3.  It not only CAN happen here,
It IS happening here!
 >> and it's a global development too, tho centred in america.

Mussolini created the blueprint (with inspiration from Lenin), Hitler 
elaborated on it, Stalin studied Hitler...

Here's how it works (notice how many Bush & Co. are using now.):

1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy
> > and/or inflame the danger and/or overstate it.

2. Create a gulag

3. Develop a thug caste
> > see Polly's Scary Personal Report above.

4. Set up an internal surveillance system

5. Harass citizens' groups

6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release

7. Target key individuals

8. Control the press

9. Dissent equals treason

10. Suspend the rule of law

Naomi Wolf's conclusion?  Impeachment of Bush and Cheney is not enough.  
Prosecuting (and jailing) them for crimes committed is the only rational 

Share this video widely.  It's at:-

***the** **UP!** is a global edutainment round-up, broadcast weekly to 
***Alternative// Activist// Zippy// Trance// New Age// Peace folks*
***recommended to the **Parallel YOUniversity**// Megatripolis Dance 
Dept **as*
* **/"showing signs of life"./**  **Since recipients forward it widely 
to their own lists & sites*
*we conservatively estimate **_50,000+ _**direct recipients.*
*A further 40,000 read it on the YOUniversity's site.*
*And, because of its 'mix' of 'specialist' & 'general' content,*
*   it's increasingly being posted on a variety of sites worldwide,*
*making an estimated total weekly readership of **_=[275,000]=_*

More Than 755,000 on US Terrorist Watch List
Agence France-Presse reports: "The US terrorist watch list includes more 
than 755,000 names and continues to grow, the US Government 
Accountability Office said Wednesday. The list exploded from fewer than 
20 entries before the September 11, 2001 attacks to more than 150,000 
just a few months later, after the Terrorist Screening Center (TSC) was 
created in December 2003 to keep tabs on terrorist suspects, according 
to the GAO, the non-partisan investigative arm of Congress."

A message from the Iraqi Resistance:


****Rumsfeld Charged with Torture -
during Trip to France
Friday, October 26, 2007
Human rights groups filed a complaint with the Paris Prosecutor before 
the "Court of First Instance" today charging former US Secretary of 
Defense Donald Rumsfeld with ordering and authorising torture.  

International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), the Centre for 
Constitutional Rights (CCR), the European Center for Constitutional and 
Human Rights (ECCHR) and the French League for Human Rights (LDH) 
jointly filed the complaint while Rumsfeld was in Paris for a talk 
sponsored by Foreign Policy magazine.  Under French law, an 
investigation must be opened if an alleged torturer is inside French 

"France is obliged to investigate and prosecute Rumsfeld's 
accountability for crimes of torture in Guantanamo and Iraq," said FIDH 
President Souhayr Belhassen.  "France has no choice but to open an 
investigation if an alleged torturer is on its territory. I hope that 
the fight against impunity will not be sacrificed in the name of 
politics. We call on France to refuse to be a safe haven for criminals."

CCR President Michael Ratner said: "The filing of this French case 
against Rumsfeld demonstrates that we will not rest until those U.S. 
officials involved in the torture program are brought to justice. 
Rumsfeld must understand that he has no place to hide. A torturer is an 
enemy of all humankind."

Jean-Pierre Dubois, LDH President,underlined: "That a criminal State 
representative should benefit from impunity is always unacceptable. 
Because the USA is the super power of the beginning of this century and, 
above all, because it is a democracy, the impunity of Donald Rumsfeld is 
even more insufferable than that of a Radovan Karadzic."

In addition, having resigned from his position of U.S. Secretary of 
Defense a year ago, Rumsfeld can no longer try to claim immunity as a 
head of state or government official.  Nor can he claim immunity as a 
former state official, as international law does not recognise such 
immunity in the case of international crimes including the crime of torture.

*Former U.S. Army Brigadier General Janis Karpinski, former commander of 
Abu Ghraib and other U.S.-run prisons in Iraq, submitted written 
testimony to the Paris Prosecutor for the plaintiffs' case on Rumsfeld's 
responsibility for the abuse of detainees.*

Rumsfeld Flees France Fearing Arrest
Sat, October 27, 2007
Rumsfeld fled France today fearing arrest over charges of "ordering and 
authorising" torture of detainees at both the American-run Abu Ghraib 
prison in Iraq and the US military's detainment facility at Guantanamo 
Bay, Cuba, unconfirmed reports coming from Paris suggest.

US embassy officials whisked Rumsfeld away yesterday from a breakfast 
meeting in Paris organised by the Foreign Policy magazine after human 
rights groups filed a criminal complaint against the man who spearheaded 
President George W. Bush's "war on terror" for 6 years.

Anti-torture protesters believe the ex defense secretary fled over the 
open border to Germany, where a war crimes case against him was 
dismissed by a federal court.  But activist point out that under the 
Schengen agreement that ended border checkpoints across a large part of 
the European Union, French law enforcement agents are allowed to cross 
the border into Germany in pursuit of a fleeing fugitive.

"Rumsfeld must be feeling how Saddam Hussein felt when US forces were 
hunting him down," activist Tanguy Richard said. "He may never end up 
being hanged like his old friend, but he must learn that in the 
civilized world, war crime doesn't pay."

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxBroBF-uKI  <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxBroBF-uKI>

This is amazing... how half asleep am I?
jackqueline mackay, london.

Wow Fraser. That's bloody bloody WOW.  Incredible.  Forwarding this to 
everybody . . .
David North, UK.
> > i woulda bet my grannie's inheritance there was no gorilla.
i shall NEVER be so convinced of ANYTHING ever again.

thanks for sending: amazing! I will be passing it around!
Michael Gosney, San Francisco.

Thanks Fraser,
yes a real eye opener.....
love &
vineeta, UK.

WOW!  Someone has turned on the light.  I never seen the ape until the 
second viewing.
hungarian gypsy, minniapolis, US.

thanks for that link . . . that is the video Susan Blackmore showed in 
the talk i podcast . . . now my listeners can see the video too!!!  :-)
all LOVE,
Lorenzo Hagerty, Mixmasters.

excellent link - as always - quality stuff..
thanks as ever Fraser - appreciate the work, power to you.
Phil,aka Bill Froog, US.

Thanks Fraser. That's a good one.
Just as I failed to see the ape walking past in the video I also failed 
to notice the person of Jesus for most of my life because I was only 
looking at the people in the church to see what they were doing. I 
actually despised the church and religion. Once I took my eyes off the 
church and focused on Jesus I saw who he was.  Take a new look at what 
Jesus said without looking at the church.  Maybe you will see something 
you have not seen before?
barry cecil, israel.

loved this fraser keep' em coming!
rachel pickett, paris.

I saw the guy in the gorilla suit from the start.
peter, herefordshire, UK.
> > REALLY??!!  and were you genuinely trying to count the number of 
passes?  honest now?
you're the only one so far to have done so that's why am asking.
all g o o d t h i n g s c o m **e t o a n e n d*
*which don't justify nuttin'*
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