[Pip] Q about Monday's meeting and 17th Feb

Dan dan at aktivix.org
Tue Feb 1 18:50:06 GMT 2005


Dan here. 

1.Sorry I wasn't there on Mondays - a bad day for me.

How'd it go?  Any minutes?

Is anyone reading their mail?  It seems eerily quiet on the list...!  
Please reply to pip at lists.aktivix.org

2. Sheffield Social Forum are having a big open meeting -

17th February from 7 to 9.30
St. Andrews Church Hall, Upper Hanover Way

There'll be lots going on there - it's gonna be a kind of free market of 
ideas n action - a mini social forum, with food n drink.

I'm hoping that some folk will talk about how PiP, make poverty history 
and the G8 stuff can all work together, so it would be REALLY good to 
see some people from PiP there.

Can anyone make it?  It'd be  lovely to see ya there... Oh, and please 
pass it on.

3. A page has been started on the SSF WIKI for PiP -


This is an openly edittable page - we'll hopefully be storing things 
like funding info (e.g. for generic info for forms) etc.  I've done one 
little two-person workshop on how to use the WIKI, and would be happy to 

4. Start using this list!  Write back to pip at lists.aktivix.org !

5. Bye my lovelies,


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