[Pip] Peace in the Park info-cafe - meeting tomorrow at 5pm

Dan dan at aktivix.org
Thu May 26 15:18:35 BST 2005

Hia folks,

A little ad hoc meeting's been called tomorrow at 5pm, at New Roots in 
Spital Hill. (Although I haven't arranged that with them yet, so we may 
need to go on to somewhere else!)

What's the point of it?  Well - all things that have been called 
leftfield / democracy cafe / speakeasy / info-cafe are going to be one 
and the same little munchie-tastic centre of radical wonder.  Brambles n 
others are doing foody stuff, Indymedia (I believe) will have a 
presence, and so far we have some non violent direct action workshops 
and a subvertising workshop from one of manchester's finest urban artistes.

But we need more!  It's gonna most likely be in with the open mike tent 
- which is 80 ft long, so there'll be room.

What do we need? More workshops, people to help out, anyone who wants to 
stick info on the info-tables, any anyone who knows the whereabouts of 
lots of rugs, cushions and other floor-based hippy sitty downy workshop 
type paraphenalia.

So - come to the meeting tomorrow if you wanna get stuck in to helping.  
Or write to me with any suggestions for workshops.

Yummy!  I love last-minute-dom, don't you?

peace n stuff


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