[Reclaimmayday] report of my activites

libjf at riseup.net libjf at riseup.net
Tue Apr 20 12:53:18 UTC 2010

Update on what I've been doing as my other email might not get through in

Jane is going organise 2 speakers to talk about working, women and unions
for the centenary square part.

Me, Rachel, Quinn and Jane are going to dress up as the haymarket martyrs!

Have made posters and printed some on red paper, will send some along to
the meeting, please distribute widely and urgently.

Have sent out a mailing of posters and flyers to other housing
co-ops/social centres and places in the north.

Have emailed A-fed folk all around the north.

Zapatista group are going to make a banner and come along on the parade.

Have asked CND, A-Fed, Commonweal storytellers, Kala Sangam if they want a
stall/do other stuff. No replies as yet.

My friend Charlie is going to ask the Ukranian singers if they will come
and sing and dance. No response yet.

Have asked York and Manchester samba bands but neither can do it. I don’t
hold out much hope for Bradford re-forming in time.

Have forwarded promo material to someone from the trades council who is
going to tell folk through that network.

It would be great if the group could decide whether we want a Faceobook
event for this or not. If so I'll make one asap, if not, then obviously I

Think that is it...

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