[Reclaimmayday] Workshops and Activities / Money

protag protag at aktivix.org
Wed Apr 4 16:02:00 UTC 2012

On Wed, 04 Apr 2012 16:38:20 +0100, Jules <anarchista at riseup.net> wrote:
> My comments are in bold below :)
>> Please send word of any possible money for resources? Our stocks are
>> much depleted at moment.*As far as I was aware the budgeting was for
>> £200, discussed at the previous meeting, though you might want to have
>> this clarified by at least one other :)*

Hi  - it's not quite the same thing but the 1in12 agreed to front up £1000
ahead of the event (i.e. immediately) - to be recouped from the bar (we

Obvs if the bar does terrifically well it will give more later.

As far as Arts budget goes, I heard two amounts of money: £100 and £200 -
possibly not the same thing (i.e. perhaps £200 was the overall Arts &
Crafts budget, or some kind of upper limit, and £100 was definitely
available to the Art Farmers immediately).

I think the plan was to transfer the £1k to the BPCAC bank account as we'd
previously agreed to use that, but...

...actually I don't mind how it happens. I really don't want to become The
Treasurer just because I have an opinion and a fondness for pie charts.

I don't want to present a burden to BPCAC (or the signatories) by
producing a need for multiple cheques to be signed.



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