[Reclaimmayday] questions needing answers: toilets & other stuff

protag protag at aktivix.org
Tue Apr 24 16:39:28 UTC 2012

On 24/04/2012 14:08, Heather Blakey wrote:
> Hi all.
> Toilets just about confirmed for Saturday.
> Few questions:
> What is the earliest we can be on site to take delivery on Saturday? (I've
> said 7 or 8 - people who know about set up, is this right?)

> What is the latest we'll be around on Sunday for them to collect? (I've
> said 12 - people who know how long it takes to dismantle things, is this
> right?)

> They won't take a chq on the day (they had one bounce last year and never
> got the money). They either need bank transfer in advance or a debit or
> credit card on the day. What is possible for us to do? And how do I make
> it happen?
I can pay with my debit card and get a cheque from t'club, or bpcac (if 
contributions add up sufficiently) of else from the massive cash takings 
on the day. Get them to ring me and I can pay them over the phone.

> Other stuff:
> If it was too late to update the programmes with the changes we agreed
> last night for footprint (specifically, adding in the mayday discussion to
> the activities list&  changing whichever band pulled out for the maypole
> thing) can we have a version with the changes sent to the list for us to
> email around? I know we're not using printed programmes as publicity, but
> I think it would be good to email them as it might attract people a bit
> more. I don't think people will bring them with them so shouldn't affect
> donations :-) What do other people think? ASAP if possible - I need to
> forward something to Sue Balcomb who is trying to round up raffle prizes.
> On which subject, does anyone have anything unwanted but half decent they
> could chuck in the raffle? If so, can you let us know what, and bring it
> on the day. Ta.

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