[sas-announce] Activists from the US

Josh Robinson jmr59 at hermes.cam.ac.uk
Wed Apr 26 10:11:11 BST 2006

Brie and Diane from the US student Living Wage Action Coalition are 
visiting the UK at the end of May and start of June. They will be touring 
UK campuses with Students Against Sweatshops and No Sweat.

Diane was a student activist at Georgetown University, and was an 
organiser and hunger-striker during the Georgetown Living Wage campaign.

Brie was active in organising around farmworker rights with the Coalition 
of Immokalee Workers and the Student/Farmworker Alliance through the 
victorious Taco Bell Boycott. She was the US national co-ordinator for the 
Student/Farmworker Alliance.

more details about the US movement, which is gigantic (plus links at 
bottom of article): 
http://www.nosweat.org.uk/article.php?sid=1522&mode=thread&order=0 icl

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