[Scotia] Alarm and Xmas...

Dan dan at aktivix.org
Thu Dec 2 12:36:44 GMT 2004

Hallo everybody!

Just a couple of things to tell you about that came from this week's 
Centre Development meeting.  One is nice (Xmas lunch) one is not so nice!

1. I'll start with not-so-nice -

* Can anyone who comes in when the alarm is primed MAKE SURE they turn 
it off, even if they're only coming in for the bike shed key! 

* To help this process, we're going to start keeping the communal 
bikeshed key on the shelf above the in-out board. 

Reason being this:

There have been some problems with the alarm.  Somone with a door-key, 
we think, has come in late at night (i.e. about half past midnight) and, 
we think, not turned the alarm off.  What happens then is that the alarm 
is half-triggered - it doesn't actually send a 'help!' message to the 
police station until someone goes through one of the next doors.

Problem is, whoever's come in hasn't gone through the next door.  With 
our Sherlock-like detective powers, we think that someone has come in to 
get hold of the bike-shed key - meaning they've only used the foyer.

Then what's happened (twice, if our surmisings are correct), is that 
whoever has come in next - in the morning - hasn't heard an alarm 
(because it's silent at this stage!) and has gone through the next 
door... which then triggers the alarm fully!  All a bit convoluted, huh?

If our little detective story is right, and it happens to be you, then 
note - you need to turn the alarm off, even if you're just in the foyer.

If that didn't make any sense, please ask!  But, yes, bike key will now 
be through the second door.  Sorry, folks!

Next - nice thing!

2. Christmas lunch!

We decided, if it's OK with everyone, to move the next lunch date to a 
Christmas lunch date -

Wednesday 22nd December, from 12 onwards.  (With option for going for a 

Shall we bring our own food again?  That was nice last time...

Right!  That's it from me...

... and remember, if there's anything exciting going on / jobs coming up 
/ anything at all that you want to tell everyone else about, just send 
your e-mail to -

scotia at lists.aktivix.org

(Bearing in mind that it's an open list, so nothing you wouldn't want 
the world to know!)



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