[Scotia] Scotia Works!

Susan Morley Susan.morley at nrcentre.org.uk
Wed Jun 22 12:03:16 BST 2005

Complaints were made at the last Tenants meeting here at Scotia Works
regarding the state that some of the communal rooms were left in after
use.  No specific organisations were named, however it is clear that not
everyone leaves the Meeting and Training rooms as they should.  Please
ensure that you remove all of your dirty cups/plates and left over food
as soon as you have finished using the room and re-arrange the tables
and chairs back to a tidy state.  The next users should not have to
spend any time tidying up so that the room is fit to use.


Leading nicely on to the kitchen - obviously this should be left tidy
and clean too!  The fridges also need to be emptied once a week.


I hope this e-mail will have inspired any messy people in the building
to mend their ways!  Lecture over!


Please forward this e-mail to any individuals in your organisation whose
name has been missed off the distribution list.






Susan Morley, Finance & Operations Administrator

Northern Refugee Centre, Scotia Works, Leadmill Road, Sheffield, S1 4SE

Tel:  0114 241 2732     Fax:  0114 241 2744


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