[ShareTompkins] free environmental lectures at cornell

Shira Golding shiragolding at gmail.com
Wed Sep 2 15:15:42 BST 2009

via flxpermaculture list...

From: Daniel Roth <dnr6 at cornell.edu>

Cornell University, for Fall 2009, is sponsoring a speaker series  
entitled: *Sustainable Earth, Energy, and Environmental Systems*.  The  
series is co-sponsored by t*he Department of Earth and Atmospheric  
Sciences* and the* Cornell Center for a Sustainable Future*. It is  
designed especially for freshmen and sophomores, but we are extending  
the invitation to all undergraduates and members of the Cornell and  
Ithaca College communities, local high school students, and the  
greater Ithaca area.
The speakers are researchers from all over the Cornell campus speaking  
on topics of climate change and its potential environmental impacts on  
land and sea, and the challenges to meet our needs for food, water,  
and energy. Included in the topics is a session on local successes at  
Cornell University and Ithaca College.
For more information please contact: Louise P. McGarry  
(lpm3 at cornell.edu <ailto:lpm3 at cornell.edu%22> or 607-342-0628 cell).

Thank you.
Louise McGarry
Coordinator: Sustainable Earth, Energy, and Environmental Systems  
speaker series

*Sustainable Earthy, Energy, and Environmental Systems - Speaker Series*

*Monday nights, 7:30-8:45pm, in Room 101 Phillips Hall *

September 7
Climate Change: The Science

September 21
Climate Change: Potential Impacts on Land and Sea

October 5
Food: Environmental Impacts and the Future of Food

October 19
Energy: End of Oil and Energy Alternatives

November 2
Water: Impacts of Climate Change and Solutions

November 16
Local Success: Cornell University and Ithaca College

November 30 Reclaiming the Commons: Successes, Solutions, and Problem  

co-sponsored by the Cornell Department of Earth and Atmospheric  
Sciences and the Cornell Center for a Sustainable Future

Daniel Roth	
Sustainability Coordinator Office of Environmental Compliance and  
Sustainability Cornell University  www.sustainablecampus.cornell.edu

Youth Action Team Co-Chair
US Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development

607-254-8077 (office)	
607-280-2312 (cell)
607-255-8461 (fax)

395 Pine Tree Road, Suite 230
Ithaca, NY 14850	

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