[ShareTompkins] Babysitter for Hire or Trade

valitom at aol.com valitom at aol.com
Tue Sep 8 02:04:08 BST 2009

Hey Swappers,

I've mentioned at a couple of meets that I'm interested in starting a childcare swap around Ithaca. I'm a grad student at Cornell and need childcare for my almost two year old son, Felix, who some of you know. I have classes on Tuesday and Thursday each week, and will need someone from around 10:45/11 am to 5/5:30 pm on those days.

I am available to provide childcare or other household tasks on Monday, Wednesday or Friday. While it makes sense that I would trade with other parents, this arrangement could be with anybody for anything. I'm willing to trade services, pay someone with money, or come up with some combination or alternative. As long as Felix is in good hands, I can be flexible. Since we live downtown, it would be ideal for someone to come to our home so that Felix doesn't have to be transported and I can walk right up to campus.

Is this appealing to anyone in the group? Since the semester has already started, I'm itching to find a permanent sitter for Felix. Anyone interested can email me back or call (717-903-4871) as soon as possible.

Thanks and peace,
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