[ShareTompkins] Dog sit for two weeks?

Jessica Brown nariah at gmail.com
Sun Aug 15 02:37:55 UTC 2010

Hello everyone. I have three very sweet but sometimes neurotic dogs.
Two of these dogs are going to Grandpas house while I am out of town
8/20-9/4. The third dog, Lucy, does not get along well with Grandpas
dog and so I am trying to figure somewhere for her to go. I don't
think she would do well in a boarding situation. I am not sure if she
would get along with other dogs? She would however be an excellent
swimming, ball playing, jogging buddy with love and enthusiasm.

She chases cats. Okay tall order I know - but if by chance there is a
dog lover out there who wants a friend for two weeks, please be in
touch. There would be a back up plan (she could stay home alone all
day every day -sad but possible) but I am just trying to help her be
lonely. She will miss us terrible!

I have a PA system to lend, veggies in the garden, tons of baby stuff,
who knows? If you are the doggy friend for ms. Lucy, we will try hard
to find something to make it worth your while!

This could well like either Lucy comes to stay with you or you come do
playmates with her. :)


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