[ShareTompkins] Fwd: FREE Cornell University SEEES Speaker Series for Fall 2010 is open to the public

Shira Golding shiragolding at gmail.com
Thu Aug 26 16:06:56 UTC 2010

> From: Marian Brown <mbrown at ithaca.edu>
> Date: August 26, 2010 11:58:55 AM EDT
> To: IC Sustainability Group <sustainic at icsun.ithaca.edu>,  
> Sustainable Tompkins listserve <sustainable_tompkins-l at cornell.edu>
> Subject: [sustainable_tompkins-l] Cornell University SEEES Speaker  
> Series for Fall 2010 is open to the public
> Reply-To: "Sustainability in Tompkins County" <sustainable_tompkins-l at list.cornell.edu 
> >
> Cornell University is sponsoring the Sustainable Earth, Energy, and  
> Environmental Systems (SEEES) speaker series for Fall 2010,  
> featuring all new speakers. The theme for this year is: the  
> interwoven challenge of energy, climate, and the environment in the  
> human and natural world. The series is designed especially for  
> college freshmen and sophomores, but we are extending the invitation  
> to all undergraduates at Cornell and Ithaca College, local high  
> school students, and the greater Ithaca community. No registration  
> is required. The series is co-sponsored by the Cornell Department of  
> Earth and Atmospheric Sciences and the Cornell Center for a  
> Sustainable Future.
> The series meets Monday nights, every other week, 7:30-8:45pm in 101  
> Phillips Hall on the Cornell Campus (TCAT #10, Sage Hall bus stop),  
> and starts on Monday August 30th.
> For more information: Louise P. McGarry (lpm3 at cornell.edu or  
> 607-342-0628)
> - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> 2010 Sustainable Earth, Energy, and Environmental Systems (SEEES)
> exploring the interwoven challenge of energy, climate, and the  
> environment
> in the human and natural world.
> PRIMERS: Energy, Society, Climate, and Life Systems
> Aug 30: Carbon Energy and Society
> Sep 13:  New Energy Opportunities and Challenges
> Sep 27:  Changing Climates and Life Systems
> THE CHALLENGE: Intersection of Energy and Ecosystems
> Oct 4:   Terrestrial – Marcellus Shale Case Study
> Oct 18: Marine – Energy and the Marine Environment
> ENGAGING the CHALLENGE: Intersection of Science and Society
> Nov 01: Role and Response of Policy and Business
> Nov 15: The Nature of Science and Science in the Media
> RESPONDING to the CHALLENGE: Student Projects
> (SEEES first-year writing seminar students)
> Nov 20: (Saturday) Natural History at Noon – Museum of the Earth
> Nov 29: Cornell: Energy and the Environment

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