[ShareTompkins] Fwd: Know Your Rights in the Workplace trainings

Shira Golding shiragolding at gmail.com
Mon Aug 30 21:00:20 UTC 2010

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Linda Holzbaur <lindaworkerscenter at gmail.com>
> Date: August 30, 2010 4:41:41 PM EDT
> To: tc-hsc-l <TC-HSC-L at cornell.edu>
> Subject: Know Your Rights in the Workplace trainings
> Reply-To: Linda Holzbaur <lindaworkerscenter at gmail.com>
> I'd like to remind you that the Tompkins County Workers' Center has  
> developed a Know Your Rights in the Workplace training which we are  
> happy to present to your employees or clients. Our workshops can be  
> adapted to reflect your agency's needs.
> Usually the presentation can be conducted within an hour but we can  
> also present an abridged version if that works best within your  
> meeting schedule.
> Feel free to call or email with questions or requests.
> I would also like to remind you that the Worker's Center is always  
> available to help your clients with workplace problems including  
> unpaid wages, termination, health & safety issues, bullying &  
> harassment, family leave, discrimination, unemployment and workers'  
> compensation.
> Check out our website and our Workers' Rights Handbook at http://tcworkerscenter.org/docs/cwrbhb.pdf
> -- 
> Linda Holzbaur
> Tompkins County Workers' Center
> 607.269-0409
> http://tcworkerscenter.wordpress.com
> LindaWorkersCenter at gmail.com

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