[ShareTompkins] Fwd: Volunteering on Sept. 11th?

Shira Golding shiragolding at gmail.com
Tue Aug 31 22:01:25 UTC 2010

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Julee Johnson" <ajt1126 at lightlink.com>
> Date: August 31, 2010 5:16:41 PM EDT
> To: "Listserve" <TC-HSC-L at cornell.edu>
> Subject: Volunteering on Sept. 11th?
> Reply-To: "Julee Johnson" <ajt1126 at lightlink.com>
> Are there any groups, including student groups, interesting in  
> volunteering their time for community projects this September 11th?  
> We're looking for 8-15 people that day to help us sort books at the  
> Friends of the Tompkins County Public Library's warehouse on Esty  
> Street in Ithaca. The amount of book donations since the close of  
> the Spring sale has been overwhelming! So we're looking for  
> assistance to help us prepare for the Fall sale, which is right  
> around the corner - starting Oct. 9th.
> Any suggestions or offers are most appreciated. Thanks!
> -Julee Johnson, Chair
> Community Organizations Grants Committee
> Friends of the Tompkins County Public Library
> ComOrgGrants at booksale.org
> 607 - 272 - 6277 daytime phone

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