[ShareTompkins] June 25: Share Tompkins Really Really Free Market at the Congo Square Market

Shira Golding shiragolding at gmail.com
Fri Jun 11 18:52:21 UTC 2010

Share Tompkins' second Really Really Free Market is part of the Congo  
Square Market! Food, books, electronics, clothes - EVERYTHING is free.  
Bring what you can, take what you need. The more we can provide for  
one another locally, the closer we are to sustainability!

Friday, June 25, 4-8pm
Southside Community Center
305 S. Plain St. Ithaca

The Congo Square Market takes place 4-8pm every Friday through  
September 3rd and features live local music & dancing, visiting with  
friends and vendors selling food, instruments & more. Vendor fees and  
fruit and vegetable stand proceeds support Southside and the Congo  
Square Market.

RSVP on Facebook:

Check out the Share Tompkins website:

Check out the Southside Community Center website:

Please spread the word even if you can't come!

Share Tompkins helps folks share and trade goods and services in  
Ithaca and Tompkins County.

Congo Square Market is a project of Southside Community Center, Ithaca  
Youth Bureau’s, Paul Scheurs Memorial Program, and Tompkins County  
Cornell Cooperative Extension's Whole Community Project.

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