[ShareTompkins] Fwd: [Strawberry!] Gleaning opportunity today!!

Travis Knapp travknapper3 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 17 15:38:52 UTC 2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lara Kaltman <larakaltman at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 6:36 AM
Subject: Gleaning opportunity today!!
To: Monalita Smiley <Mona at learning-web.org>, Sarah Reistetter <
sreistetter at tompkins-co.org>, Travis Knapp <travknapper3 at gmail.com>
Cc: kate church <fullplatefarms at yahoo.com>

Are your teens/young adults interested in this volunteer opportunity to pick
strawberries this morning?

Please contact Katie Church at 607-342-7632

* Travis - please fwd to fingerlakes perm listserv

Begin forwarded message:

From: kate church <fullplatefarms at yahoo.com>
> Date: June 16, 2010 10:09:49 PM EDT
> To: Becki <leomother3 at gmail.com>, Lara Kaltman <larakaltman at gmail.com>,
> liz karabinakas <evk4 at cornell.edu>, Vanessa Lynn Wood <
> vness.wood at gmail.com>, marloco at verizon.net
> Cc: trina newton <kirtrina at gmail.com>
> Subject: gleaning op. tomorrow a.m.!
> Hi all, Katie Creeger from Kestrel Perch berry farm called me about an hour
> ago w. a gleaning op- she needs ripe strawberries picked tomorrow morning -
> I called Rachel to activate crop mob - I tried the number I had for Becki
> (319-4251) and the "wireless customer is not avail."
> Any ideas?  I need to tell Katie something by tomorrow a.m - and I bet some
> of our kids would looove to eat some berries!
> They are very ripe and would need to be eaten or processed pretty soon -
> Katie
> call is best between now and tomorrow a.m.
> Katie Church
> Full Plate Farm Collective
> CSA Coordinator
> info at fullplatefarms.org
> www.fullplatefarms.org
> 607.342.7632
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