[ShareTompkins] Fwd: Town Hall meeting on 2011 County Budget June 21

Shira Golding shiragolding at gmail.com
Fri Jun 18 17:59:29 UTC 2010

have issues with how our budget resources are shared (or not shared)?  
voice your opinion at this meeting...

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Carol M. Farkas" <cmf20 at cornell.edu>
> Date: June 18, 2010 1:55:46 PM EDT
> To: List Serve <TC-HSC-L at cornell.edu>
> Subject: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  Town Hall meeting on 2011 County  
> Budget June 21
> Reply-To: "Carol M. Farkas" <cmf20 at cornell.edu>
> Town Hall Meeting on 2011 County Budget June 21
> Legislator Pat Pryor (District 6) will sponsor a town hall meeting  
> on next year’s County budget Monday evening, June 21.
> The meeting, entitled “Tompkins County Budget, 2011:  The Process,  
> the Realities, the Constraints,” will be held at the Lansing Town  
> Hall, 29 Auburn Road, Lansing, beginning at 7:00 p.m.  The session  
> is free and open to the public, and the public is encouraged to  
> attend.
> “My goal for this Town Hall meeting is to share information that the  
> County has regarding budget issues early in the process  when there  
> is still plenty of time for people to provide me with their  
> reactions and suggestions,” says Legislator Pryor.  “I want to hear  
> all of the questions, concerns and priorities so that I can take  
> that information forward with me as we proceed with developing the  
> 2011 budget for the County.”
> For more information, contact Legislator Pryor at 319-0507 or ppryor at tompkins-co.org 
> , or Tompkins County Public Information at 274-5555.
> Contact:  Legislator Patricia Pryor, 319-0507.
> - END -
> ------
> Marcia E. Lynch
> Public Information Officer
> Tompkins County
> 125 E. Court Street
> Ithaca, NY  14850
> Tel: 607-274-5555/Fax: 607-274-5558

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