[ShareTompkins] Fwd: Consumer Issues Regarding Motor Vehicle Transactions - Nov 17

Shira Golding shiragolding at gmail.com
Mon Nov 1 15:11:22 UTC 2010

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Ann Gifford <amg29 at cornell.edu>
> Date: November 1, 2010 10:59:27 AM EDT
> To: TC-HSC-L at cornell.edu
> Subject: Consumer Issues Regarding Motor Vehicle Transactions -  Nov  
> 17
> Reply-To: Ann Gifford <amg29 at cornell.edu>
> Colleagues,
>         Please share this information with coworkers and program  
> participants.
> Thank you,
> Ann Gifford
> Avoiding & Resolving Problems
> With Motor Vehicle Transactions
>         Avoiding & Resolving Problems With Car Purchases and Repairs  
> is the topic of Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County's  
> November Consumer Issues Program.  On Wednesday, Nov 17 at 11 am at  
> the Cooperative Extension Education Center. Mike Danaher, Consumer  
> Fraud Attorney from the New York State Attorney General's Office  
> will discuss consumer's rights and responsibilities in the vehicle  
> market, the New/Used Car Lemon Laws, and issues pertaining to the  
> purchase, repair, and inspection of vehicles in New York State.
>         Following the presentation consumers will have the  
> opportunity to consult with Attorney Danaher regarding specific  
> consumer issues that they have been unsuccessful resolving locally.   
> Consumers should arrive by 12:30PM for a consultation.
>         For more information about the jurisdiction of the New York  
> State Attorney General's Office, what a consumer needs to do before  
> they can assist, and what information to bring to a consultation  
> call the Consumer HelpLine at 272-2292 weekdays.  Cornell  
> Cooperative Extension is located at 615 Willow Avenue, Ithaca, New  
> York.  The public is invited to attend.  Advance registration for  
> this free program is not necessary.
>         This program will be videotaped for broadcast on Mondays on  
> Cable Ch 15 in January 2011 at 7AM, 1PM, and again at 7PM.
> Ann Gifford, MS
> Program Team Coordinator
> Consumer & Financial Management Education
> Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County
> 615 Willow Avenue
> Ithaca, New York 14850
> 607-272-2292
> Fax 607-272-7088
> Visit our Web Site:  www.ccetompkins.org
> Additional Cooperative Extension Resources are available at www.extension.org

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