[ShareTompkins] Fwd: IthacaPlantCycle- a new Yahoo Group for sharing plants & information

Shira Golding shiragolding at gmail.com
Mon Nov 8 17:20:33 UTC 2010

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Sandra Repp <sjr37 at cornell.edu>
> Date: November 8, 2010 11:13:37 AM EST
> To: sustainable_tompkins-l at list.cornell.edu, fingerlakespermaculture at lists.ibiblio.org
> Subject: [sustainable_tompkins-l] IthacaPlantCycle- a new Yahoo  
> Group for sharing plants & information
> Reply-To: "Sustainability in Tompkins County" <sustainable_tompkins-l at list.cornell.edu 
> >
> There is a new Yahoo group for local gardeners who want to share  
> plants and plant information:  IthacaPlantCycle.
> IthacaPlantCycle is a grassroots community-based effort to  
> distribute plants, food and plant knowledge in our community. The  
> IthacaPlantcycle model and inspiration comes from Freecycle (if you  
> aren't a member, and want to be, google Ithacafreecycle), and we  
> hereby formally acknowledge the role of Freecycle in Plantcycle's  
> inception.
> Plantcycle follows a similar protocol to Freecycle, although there  
> are differences. Categories can include the following:
> Wanted:
> * Plants
> * Produce
> * Tools/Equipment
> * Advice
> Offered:
> * Plants
> * Produce
> * Tools/Equipment
> * Advice/Alerts
> Taken:
> * Plants
> * Produce
> * Tools/Equipment
> All plants must be disease-free, and if grown with chemicals that  
> are not organic, such chemicals must be stated in the communication.
> To join, go to this site: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ithacaplantcycle/ 
>  and enter your e-mail address, which does NOT have to be a Yahoo  
> address.
> If you have problems, e-mail pduttster at gmail.com.
> Please send this e-mail to others who might be interested in this  
> group. The idea to do this occurred to me in the summer, and sorry  
> that it has taken me this long to get permissions and find the best  
> (I hope) way to do this.
> Pat Dutt <pduttster at gmail.com>

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