[ShareTompkins] Fwd: FREE Encore for Beaming Bioneers

Shira Golding shiragolding at gmail.com
Mon Nov 15 15:42:40 UTC 2010

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Gay Nicholson <gaynicholson at gmail.com>
> Date: November 12, 2010 10:22:26 PM EST
> To: Sustainable Tompkins County listserv <sustainable_tompkins-l at cornell.edu 
> >
> Subject: [sustainable_tompkins-l] Encore for Beaming Bioneers
> Reply-To: "Sustainability in Tompkins County" <sustainable_tompkins-l at list.cornell.edu 
> >
> Encore for Beaming Bioneers
> Finger Lakes Bioneers will be offering a repeat performance of this  
> year’s keynote speakers from the Bioneers “headwaters” conference in  
> California last month.  For those who missed Breakfast with the  
> Bioneers at Cinemapolis during this year’s We Make Our Future  
> conference, we will be showing these videos of presentations by  
> leading thinkers and activists such as James Hansen, Jane Goodall,  
> and Mallika Dutt on Tuesday evenings from 7-9 pm, starting November  
> 16 and ending December 21, at the Sustainable Tompkins office at 109  
> S. Albany St.  Seating is limited to 15 and will be offered on a  
> first come, first served basis.
> The first showing on November 16 will feature a rousing call to  
> action by Kenny Ausubel, cofounder of Bioneers, on when “The Shift  
> Hits the Fan.”  We’ll also hear from Coast Miwok elder Joanne  
> Campbell, climate champion James Hansen, and the “planetwalker” John  
> Francis.
> The complete schedule for each week is below.  The Beaming Bioneers  
> series is free and open to the public.  Call Sustainable Tompkins at  
> 216-1552 for details.
> Beaming Bioneers Schedule:  7:00-9:00 pm at 109 S. Albany St.
> November 16
> Joanne Campbell, James Hansen, Alex Loorz, John Francis
> November 23
> Jessica Rimington, Mallika Dutt, Gary Hirschberg
> November 30
> Elizabeth Lindsey, Peter Warshall, Destiny Arts
> December 7
> Mary Gonzales, Glen Philips, John Warner, Andy Lipkis
> December 14
> Lynne Twist, john a. powell, Gloria Feldt
> December 21
> Anthony Cortese, Jane Goodall, Libby Roderick
> -- 
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Gay Nicholson, Ph.D.
> President
> Sustainable Tompkins
> 109 S. Albany St.
> Ithaca, NY 14850
> www.sustainabletompkins.org
> 607-533-7312 (home office)
> 607-220-8991 (cell)
> 607-216-1552 (ST office)
> 607-216-1553 (ST fax)
> gay at sustainabletompkins.org

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