[ShareTompkins] Fwd: SAVE-THE-DATE: Annual Labor Day Picnic in Ithaca, Monday, 9/4

Shira Evergreen shiragolding at gmail.com
Mon Jul 31 23:01:06 UTC 2017

Begin forwarded message:

> From: pete meyers <pete at tcworkerscenter.org>
> Subject: SAVE-THE-DATE: Annual Labor Day Picnic in Ithaca, Monday, 9/4
> Date: July 31, 2017 2:08:22 PM EDT
> To: Humans Services List <tc-hsc-l at cornell.edu>, Cortland Listserve <211-l at cortland-co.org>
> Reply-To: pete meyers <pete at tcworkerscenter.org>
> (ITHACA) The Tompkins County Workers' Center, the Midstate Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO and Tompkins/Cortland Labor Committee, will hold the 34th Annual Tompkins/Cortland Labor Day Picnic from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Monday, September 4th, in Ithaca's Cass Park, in a pavilion IMMEDIATELY NORTH of the Ithaca Children's Garden (note the change from the usual location at Stewart Park!)  (Sign in on Facebook)
> The picnic is free and everyone is invited. Everyone is asked to bring a dish to share and to enjoy the free burgers (meat and veggie), hot dogs, ice cream and beverages. 
> The annual awards have become a highlight of the Labor Day Picnic over the years, and this year will be no different. The Mother Jones and Joe Hill awards are presented to people for their activism, organizing, and sacrifice at work. The Friend of Labor award is presented to a member of the community who has spoken out publicly or taken action in support of working people. The notorious Goat of Labor goes to an especially egregious offender of workers’ rights and/or the value of labor to our common good.
> Local human service agencies, Living Wage Employers, and other organizations are welcome to have organizing tables at the event (however, please contact in advance). For more information, contact the Workers' Center at TCWRH at tcworkerscenter.org, 607-269-0409, or via the website, www.TCWorkersCenter.org
> ________________________________________________________________________________
> To subscribe/unsubscribe from the HSC Listserv or review our guidelines, visit www.hsctc.org/listserv
> The Human Services Coalition of Tompkins County
> Over 40 Years of Creating Solutions Together!

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