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<P><FONT face="Courier New">I've had a go at changing the words a bit. Opinions please ! I've cut it down a bit just cos on one hand it says it is needs to be the most representative and then underneath there's a list of "credentials".</FONT><FONT face="Courier New"> People can make connections with other political campaigns themselves. It's likely that most people interested in Venezuela are supportive of those that you listed - but it shouldn't be taken as a given.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face="Courier New">What kind of flyer are we looking for ? If we can all agree on the wording, I can try and have a pop at doing something on publisher or another programme. Or aejaz (who needs to email the listy thing to get these emails) maybe ? Cos he's a bit handy at this kind of thing.I think we should put sources of info about venezuela (znet, books etc)and advertise the showing of the film.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face="Courier New">Cheers</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face="Courier New">Chris </FONT></P>
<P><FONT face="Courier New"></FONT> </P>
<P><FONT face="Courier New">Sheffield2Venezuela - Mission statement <BR><BR><BR><BR>Sheffield2Venezuela, a.k.a. Sheffield Preparatory Committee, exists to <BR>organise the biggest and most representative Delegation of young people from <BR>Sheffield to the Festival of International Youth and Students in Caracas, <BR>Venezuela, in August 2005. <BR><BR><BR><BR>This Delegation will express Sheffield’s solidarity with the inspirational <BR>struggle by Venezuela’s youth and working people against poverty, <BR>exploitation and imperialist domination, a struggle which has put them on a <BR>collison course with US and European multinationals and Venezuela’s <BR>ultra-rich elite. <BR><BR>Venezuela is at the forefront of a rising progressive social movement in a number of Latin American countries to attain real independence from the US and international finance bodies. The
delegation aims to bear witness to the movement and to investigate ways to best support it.<BR><BR><BR>Sheffield2Venezuela appeals to all progressive people in Sheffield to support, endorse and contribute to our efforts. <BR><BR><BR>Our committee, and the Delegation itself, is open to everyone – youth or otherwise – anyone who wants to work together to ensure the widest and most <BR>representative Delegation of Sheffield youth. Our task is to raise funds to <BR>help publicise the Venezuelan people’s struggle and to subsidise the travel <BR>expenses of young people who wish to go to Venezuela and who are prepared to actively participate in this work. <BR><BR><BR>All decisions about policy and finance will be taken by those who intend to <BR>participate in the Delegation. The participation of others is most welcome; <BR>they have voice but not vote in any decisions where there is no consensus. </FONT><BR></P></DIV></div></html>