[sheffield-hacklab] Matilda Hacklab

Chris chris at aktivix.org
Tue Sep 6 15:00:16 BST 2005


On Fri 02-Sep-2005 at 11:46:14PM +0100, Alan Dawson wrote:
> So we did quite alot.. even though it looked like we sat
> about drinking lager all night ;-)

Nice one, the room looks fab :-)

I tried one machine and it was a LTSP client and couldn't
connect to the server -- I didn't know what to do to get
the server running....

What next? How about:

1. Agreeing some regular times to open

2. Sorting some sessions that could be run (a security
   workshop is the first that springs to mind, some
   Matilda activists still use IE?!)

Once we have some times and a programme of things we are
going to do we could make some noise about it etc... 

Also at the Matilda meeting last night it was agreed that
there would be a hacklab front door key so we will need to
sort out who is in charge of this.

I should be able to call in on Friday afternoon to do some
stuff (baby permitting).


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