[sheffield-noborders] big magical mystery tour get together next Thursday in Sheffield

fabian fab at in-no.org
Sat Oct 8 16:27:16 BST 2005

Hi everybody...
thanks for your interest in participating in the magical mystery tour...
we gonna have a big get together next week thursday 13th starting at 
8pm in Matilda social centre (111 Matilda street, central sheffield) to 
discuss the tour and draw plans together.
There is also gonna be no-border food prepared by myself so do not miss 

It is really essential that all come along to that meeting so we can 
broadly discuss the tour and how it is gonna look like.
Can people who cannot make it to the Thursday meeting but still plan to 
perform in the tour on Satuarday, please let us know so we can discuss 
practicalities online.
Our last and final get together will be just before the tour on 
Saturday starting 9,30a.m at Matilda social cente, really everybody who 
is performing, should make it to this one.

At the moment things are looking cool (didn't see the whether forecate 
jet for next week)...we have the map in the pipeline and it will be 
ready by friday...also we gonna have nice umbrallas for the tour-guides 
and some coffin-carriers for the funeral procession at the end of the 

One thing we really need at the moment is a coffin (should be made of 
carton rather then timber)...if there are people out there with skills 
to build a big black carton coffin please let us know...


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