[soma-dev] Ourvideo.org update and call to help us with advice

Mick Fuzz mickfuzz at rocketmail.com
Mon Nov 14 16:44:18 GMT 2005

Hi there soma collegues,

I'm in Poland at a Tactical Media Event. It's at an
amazing place right in the middle of the Gdansk Ship
Yard. It's all about the Steel, moustashes and the
pope here!

Well not for us. It's all about doing dodgy things
with Codecs and DVD's. I've learn loads. 

Here's some photos. 

The Ourvideo project is going well and Me and a woman
called Sara are going to be promoting it this and next

There is an online toolkit for low cost video

And an open-source Video CMS which is written in very
simple php. 

But I'm looking to pull in some favours!

We are looking for people to give us advice on what
direction we should go in, and with specific bits of
info about features we should implement or funding
opportunites etc. 
You would be like electronic godfathers. 

Could you email me if you would be prepared to go on
an email list for this purpose. 
It won't be high traffic, and should be good quality

Many thanks

Also I'm working with some people to create a imc
video screenings database using the same code. 
There is a test page here. 


--/Social justice doesn't happen by itself, you know!/--
http://www.ourvideo.org   >> community video toolkit 
http://www.beyondtv.org   << video activist showcase

>> contact 0161 237 1832   << mick at undercurrents.org 
>> 07950118553 [sms only] <<
>> post: box29, 22a Beswick St, Manchester, M4 7HS

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