[SSC] Our politics is defined by how we organise ourselves

Joss Winn joss at josswinn.org
Sun Feb 27 06:21:38 UTC 2011

One of the points that has stuck in my mind from the meeting on Thursday
is that about defining the politics of the SSC by how we organise
ourselves, rather than the adherence of members to particular ideas or
points of view.

The non-hierarchical, consensus-based approach we're taking is new to me
and I'm looking forward to being part of a Centre run on these principles.

In email exchanges that are currently going on between me, Charles Cooke
from the LCDA and another colleague of Charles', who he is canvassing
opinion from, they've mentioned the following websites, which might be
of interest to you:


A few of you will remember that two people from Radical Routes came to
Lincoln in September at my invitation to talk about setting up the
Social Science Centre - the idea was much more vague then. I was
interested in hearing about their experiences in setting up housing
co-ops and social centres, run on a co-operative basis. It may be that
we want to join Radical Routes at some point. Perhaps not, but something
to consider.

On the Seeds for Change website, there's a useful briefing paper on
consensus-based decision making:


I see they discuss consensus in large groups and delegation to smaller
groups. I guess this is what Charles is thinking about when he's written
in the section on committees and sub-committees in our draft constitution.


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