[SSC] Statement of values

Joss Winn joss at josswinn.org
Fri May 27 11:46:28 UTC 2011


We agreed to include a statement of values in our documentation to accompany the business plan.

Here's what David and I have written, based on a template created by Radical Routes. If you wish to suggest any changes, please post your thoughts to this discussion list by the end of Sunday 29th May as we'd like to send this all off to the Co-op Bank in order to open an account. 

Thank you


The Social Science Centre is committed to taking positive action to fight unlawful discrimination in every respect of its work. We will work to ensure that all members receive equal access and treatment.

The Social Science Centre recognises the discrimination experienced by certain individuals and groups in society and as such actively works to eliminate all forms of discrimination by the removal of unfair mechanisms, prejudice and oppressive behaviour.

The Social Science Centre recognises that direct and indirect discrimination exists in our society. We believe that no-one should suffer oppression, bullying, harassment or lack of opportunity on the basis of their age, race, colour, gender orientation or reassignment, sexual orientation, marital status, ethnic or national origin, disability or any other factor, either directly or indirectly.

Management of The Social Science Centre

The Social Science Centre will be managed by consensus in the most open and democratic way possible.

The management of The Social Science Centre will take note of the views of all members.

The Social Science Centre believes that everybody has some contribution to make and efforts will be made to ensure that everybody can take part.

Further information can be found in our Constitution and FAQ


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