[SSC] Paper for Toronto

Michael Neary nearymichael at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 13 07:34:53 UTC 2012

Dear  Scholars,
Please see below suggested outline for the paper to be presented at the Edu-factory conference in Toronto at the end of this month - http://torontoedufactory.wordpress.com/category/program/. I am providing this outline as the basis for our writing workshop next monday evening.
The title for the paper is 'Social Science Centre: An institution of the commons?' I get the notion of 'institution of the commons' from a recent book by Gigi Roggoro: 'The Production of Living Knowledge - The Crisis of the University and the Transformation of Labour in Europe and North America', published in 2011. As you see from the conference timetable the book forms something of a centre piece to the whole event.
SSC scholars have remarked that the title of the conference, 'The University is Ours', is problematic, as it assumes a type of ownership that many of us are working against, and is, indeed, implied in the notion of 'the commons'. I suggest, therefore, that the paper is written with that critical sensibility in mind. It would also provide a nice framing for my presentation: I am presenting the paper written together with members on behalf of the SSC. In other words, none of us own the SSC.

Suggested outline

What is the SSC? - co-op/pedagogy/ awards/subscription and funding/ types of memberships and broadness of perspectives/location
Context - HE policy in UK. This is an international conference so will need to explain brief history of HE policy in England and rest of UK
Part of network of radical alternatives to mainstream HE - Really Useful University, Free Liverpool University, Tent City U etc
A work in progress - How are we bringing this together, and what are the problematic issues
SSC and 'the commons': in what way is the SSC an 'institution of the commons", or might we want to define ourselves in another way?
Best wishes,

Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2012 13:20:20 +0100
From: simonewright73 at googlemail.com
To: ssc at lists.aktivix.org
Subject: [SSC] SSC meeting on 25/4/2012

Dear all,
This is to confirm that the evening SSC meeting on Wednesday, 25 April will be held in the social space at the Pathways Centre from 7:30-9:30 p.m. (located on Beaumont Fee in Lincoln). The Centre has generously opened their doors to us for our meeting.


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