[SSC] SSC Digest - Notes from 14/4 meeting and *plans for open day*

Joss Winn joss at josswinn.org
Mon Apr 16 09:04:05 UTC 2012

Here's something for the info sheet/flyer. I'm thinking that on one side should be the text and on the other side, the timetable for the day and a statement about 'why the social sciences'.


Feel free to edit. I was also thinking about printing up the website FAQ on A0 paper and sticking it to the walls of the Collection and Usher:


WIth one or two changes, it is still a very good description of what we are trying to do.


On 14 Apr 2012, at 20:44, Sarah Amsler wrote:

> Hello all,
> Please find attached my rendition of the notes from today's meeting. Corrections and additions encouraged.
> Please do have a read through and note the sections in red, which are things that need to be done -- particularly for next Saturday! Most of it is covered, but there are still a few loose ends and it would also be nice if others want to help out with some of the work that is already being done, to distribute it but also make it more collective, and fun.
> I'm so looking forward to the open day, and hope everyone who wants to come will be able to make it. See you there.
> Also, don't forget -- there is a writing workshop at my place on Monday, 16 April starting at 6:30 p.m. for anyone who wants to participate in writing the paper that Mike will give in Toronto (please contact me directly for address). If you can't make it and want to contibute or have other comments, get in touch do raise on this list as well!
> Best,
> Sarah

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