[ssf] Drop the Care Charges!

JasonGmail lejasonman at googlemail.com
Thu Mar 30 11:02:49 BST 2006

In February Sheffield City Council announced a 165% increase in home care
charges. The council wants to raise ?1.7 million by increasing these charges
so it can balance its budget.

The Council made the decision to increase these charges without talking to
people who use their services and never had any intention of discussion them
in any meaningful way with us.

The Council promised consultation with disabled and older people about the
increases before making a final decision. Yet the day after the Council
meeting service users received letters telling them about the increase in
their charges. Then on 9th March we received letters inviting us to a
meeting to talk about the increases - less than 5 days notice!

We need these services to live independently and safely at home. The real
affect of these increases will be that many older and disabled people will
withdraw from using these services because they cannot afford them. This
will mean an increase in hospital admissions and an unacceptable increase in
risk to life and limb as people withdraw from using services.

A group called Sheffield Coalition Against Community Care Charges has been
set up. We intend fighting to get this increase dropped.

Meetings like the one organised by Sheffield City Council on March 14th
cannot be described as consultation. The Council has set its budget for
2006-7 on the basis that these increases will be made. At the meeting on
March 14th they did not consider any alternative ways of raising this money.
They simply told people inside the meeting that these new charges are going
to happen. They are not interested in our views. The council called this
meeting because they are embarrassed about the amount of publicity and
support we have managed to build against the increased charges. They were
shamed into organising that meeting because we have told them that they have
a legal obligation to carry out consultation before making this type of

Please support the campaign against these charges.

If you want to get involved in fighting the charges or if you are a member
of a group who would like to get involved and support us:

Contact Sheffield Campaign Against Community Care Charges
On 0114 2258676 or email us at
scaccc at hotmail.com

Sign the petition

Come and support the protest (1pm Sheffield Town Hall) at the council
meeting on Wednesday 5th April where the petition will be handed in to the

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