[ssf] dda i) and ii)

adam adam at diamat.org.uk
Tue Jul 7 13:07:24 BST 2009

   i) the daily dole

   have you ever given yourself a dogging
   i mean, given yourself a good talking to
   like, you may have done something
   and thought later

         'what was i thinking of
          what did i do that for'

   event-based, reflexive doggings
   closed questions, sharp really
   compared with non-event-based
   reflective doggings of the form below

         'oh man,
          i've really got to sort mi live out now'

   i guess everyone talks to themselves
   not just the crazies
   but everyone, i think i've heard it spill out
   in every day chat

         'well i've been ever so good
          with my diet, been doing lots of exercise
          and eating plenty of greens
          so i thought i'd treat myself
          to just one wafer thin mint'

   some folk will do stuff for smarties
   but i do know, sometimes the only thing
   that's got me out of bed on a morning
   is the thought of breakfast
   and i don't do breakfast very often

   oh man, you see what i mean
   i really have got to
   sort mi live out

   i didn't used to be like this
   or rather, i've not always been like this
   i remember times in my life
   that i've been rearing to go on a morning
   just eager to be up and at it
   -- we're wasting sunshine --
   just happy to be getting on with work

   well, arbeit ist immer sheißer
   but you know what i mean
    working with a decent crew
    doing useful stuff

   take the internet for instance:
   at first, i used to just love
   clocking on, in a morning
   reading what had come in
   organising and replying
   as i deemed fit
   clocking off, late afternoon
   and drawing mi cash on a friday

   wage slavery, i didn't mind it
   why should i,
   as long as there was enough to go round
   cash i mean, and my time was my own
   out side of work, fuck
   i know it's not ideal
   and at one level of abstraction
   any job, is but a form of prostitution
   but then again
   philosophy doesn't get the washing up done
   and it certainly won't provide
   the necessary food and water
   oh, won't you
   please say hello
   to my little baby daughter
   tell her, that her stupid daddy
   will be coming home soon
   and be the pappy, that he ought to ...

    private language, dogging one's self
    but language, never the less

       i suspect, every body's private language
       fits together the world
       for them, for us, there's much overlap,
       i've heard it sometimes
       called consensus reality

       yet again, what is the *real*
       i mean, i would speculate
       that if ever one could truly experience
       how it would feel
       to be any one, other than oneself
       any one of these occasions
       could be potentially
       more freaky and illuminating
       than say, consuming some of the formulae
       produced by northern scientists

       the big curve,
       many bugs, make all eyes shallow ...

        capital, marx puts it somewhere
        that gold became adopted
        as an acceptable form of money
        currency, because it *stopped* the teeth
        that is, gold can be used readily
        to fill tooth cavities

        one wonders, whether this is true
        and if it is, how much
        is this to do with like
        the fashion business
        however mister
         in the golden bough, frazer has it
         that mistletoe was the very real placebo
         of the savage mind, a cure-all
         rubbed on the gums, heads
         to relieve aches and fevers
         pinned to the lapels of epileptics
         eccentrics, and was used also
         as the place to store one's sole
         and by doing so, one therefore
         preserved one's life, like marmalade
         placed amongst the parasite, situated ever green
         safely, in the shadow scene
         fallen from the clouds, heaven
         caught in the webbed branches
         of the world inbetween
         seasonal transhumance
         earth beat, strife

            it's in the trees
            and money dunt grow on trees ...

   ii) imaginary creatures

   man, i think i'm going at this all wrong
   take the economy for instance:

    if you look at it,
     how it really works,
      one could still picture
       certain individuals who either have,
        or are alleged to have, some kind of say
         on where the whole wide world goes next

   one could easily imagine
   quite a different story
   after listening to some of the responses
   given by the bankers though
    one wonders how long
     the reply 'mistake, what mistake'
      can be repeated in cross examination
       before the penny drops
        that the bankers
         still dunt think
          that they've done anything wrong

          'no, we did not foresee
           being lead to this predicament
           in such a rapid fashion
           by this global unfolding chain events
           but of course, we contemplated
           the possibility of some sort of collapse
           but not to this extent
            who did
           and our existing structures
            were inadequate
             too slow to react
              but we have learned
               from this experience
                and have changed,
                 become more efficient,
                 and are changing still accordingly
                it has been a steep learning curve
                 for us all, but now
                  with this behind us
                   we are confident
                    that we are the right people
                     to talk bollocks like this
                      and still get to go
                       back, to our palatial pads
                        with more fucking money
                         than you could
                          shake a stick at ...'

   however, other than the bankers
   i imagine individuals distributed
   around the globe, each sitting upon more than monetary
   heaps of *presence*, for want of a better word
   by which i mean, they have somehow managed
   to get themselves in to the predicament
   where they are able
   to influence what will happen next
   globally, and maybe even
   in their own domain

   take the national leaders:
   i suspect that
   their election to office these days
   is considered by the many folk
   who consider such things at all
   to be deemed the qualifying credentials
     the necessary rights-of-passage achievement
        totem, so to speak
   to allow them to be, if nothing else
   taken seriously

   but elections are not the only method
   to achieve the appearance
   of having appropriate
   stamps of approval
   to hold authority
   to steer a course in to
   a new tomorrow

   take cookery, for example:
   tv chefs have influenced national policy
   in recent years, as to the diet
   of a growing population
   without ever receiving a vote

   in analogous ways, some leaders
   *get there*, so to say
   by being able to portray a mixture
   of other bits about their character
   that may be perceived as being
   de facto relevant
   given the actual here and now

   for example
    in a time of global economic crisis
    one may point back to past
    economic excellence, as a substitute
    and presently more acceptable
    totem form

   one could imagine
   how one could follow
   sum big chief sitting bull with um big heaps
   of relevant experience
   in certain environmental conditions
   and be unwilling to off-hire
   the afore said chief
   too readily

   whether that experience
   is of any real relevance
   is a different question

    i mean, it is easy to allow a politician
     or a group of them, a period of grace
      an honey mood period, at the beginning
       of their term of office, and accept that
        they have only achieved recently
         a position, were they can enable
          any kind of meaningful change
     but, twelve years in
      is a another matter
       there's other relevant bits
        to refer back to too
         isn't there

   also, i take it that
   some nations attach
   an almost superstitious believe
   to not changing a leader
   at times of war
   and have therefore, been somehow
   out manoeuvred
   in to not being able
   to, remove an elected leader
    from the prosecution
     of a war, that they both
      conspired to start,
      and conspired to profit from
      both personally, and corporately

      when will it end

   the corporates, imaginary people
   but real in law, with more rights
   and less liabilities, than the
   vast majority, of folk on this planet

   business is business init
   and there does appear to me
   to be a striking correlation
   between the size of the business
   on what they can cajole
   force through, or otherwise
   get away with

   it's not adam smith you know, nowadays
    free market liberalisation
     sowing the seeds of democracy
      invisible hand and all that
      no, that's bollocks
       not with the size
        and the shout
         of the transnational conglomerates
          engrained in policy
           transposed in to sum global law
            apparently more certain
             and better determined
              than the one concerning gravity

   i imagine individuals distributed
   around the globe, loads
   just loads, do you know
   i think if i ever i got the chance
   to chat to some body
   i mean, some real body
    not just to the seven veils
     of legalese, green social sounding
      psychobabble that surround
       these imaginary beings
    some one
     who's got the shout
   on one of these
   transnational crews, do you know what
   i think i'd say, well
   i think i'd start with the weather ...

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