[syfaslane365] FW: Affinity groups list

Bob Banks bob.banks at tribalgroup.co.uk
Thu Jul 20 10:24:09 BST 2006

Woops - I hadn't fully updated it - so please use this up to date

	-----Original Message-----
	From: Bob Banks 
	Sent: 20 July 2006 10:21
	To: 'syfaslane365 at lists.aktivix.org'
	Subject: Affinity groups list
	Hi folks - 
	I've updated this with phone numbers etc. I've been given.
	Let me know if there are any updates .
	So my understanding is - this is available to be handed out to
prospective new members etc. etc.. - so please use it !!
	I haven't had time to explore putting it on a web page - but if
anyone wants to look into that - please do -
	my understanding is that people are happy for it to be on the
web. (If not mail the list!!)
	The activix wiki is one possibility  
https://en.wiki.aktivix.org/Main_Page - and I think Sheffield social
forum also have a wiki?
	Best wishes,

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