[syfaslane365] Meeting on 16 Sept.

Bob Banks bob.banks at tribalgroup.co.uk
Mon Sep 4 14:35:18 BST 2006

Hi Nick, Anki, and others -
At last hope valley affinity group meeting - I said I'd liase with
people about the structure and aims of this "big meeting."
At our hope valley meeting, we thought the "big meeting" is unlikely to
get any detailed coordination done 
- but is more about getting together, getting a feel of our energy,
linking up in affinity groups, and possibly doing something practical ??
At that there might be a spokescouncil meeting (following on , or ....
??) to do more detailed stuff??
We feel the meeting needs somone to facilitate it - I'm happy to help if
necessary - or even happier for others to do this !! - but would need at
least to liase with others about what is planned.
Could people let me know their understanding / thoughts?
Best wishes,

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