[syfaslane365] Trident replacement - emailing / writing to MP etc.

Bob Banks bob.banks at tribalgroup.co.uk
Mon Feb 26 11:18:18 GMT 2007

Demo on saturday felt great to me - very big and good energy.
Of course - its not going to change things on its own - but the pressure
does add up ...

Feels a great idea to write a short email / letter to MP, Blair, etc....
at this point
to keep the pressure up. (And ask your friends to do the same!)

(Can be done in just a few minutes ......)

Your MP and their email address can be found at -

Post address is - 
House of Commons,
London SW1A 0AA

Suggestion is to keep it short - better to write something simple than
spend hours writing the perfect argument.

A "template" might be along the lines below - a couple of the points
below - or the many other arguments against trident.

<Your address>
Dear .....
		I am writing to ask you to vote against Trident
replacement in the forthcoming debate. 
		Replacing our weapons of mass destruction sends out a
completely wrong signal to other countries with potential to acquire
nuclear weapons. 
		With the money, we could really help to make the world a
more secure place - for example UK carbon emissions could be reduced to
a level which really addresses global warming. [Or the many other
alternatives ....]
		Building weapons weapons of mass destruction is
completely immoral.
		Please could you let me know your voting intentions?
(Or some other question(s) which make them reply - and / or investigate
an aspect further.)
		Yours sincerely,

Also - 
a short message can be sent to the prime minister at


(No point in writing an essay - but the numbers of messages are added up
and reported on by staff.)

The same / similar letters can be sent to - 
Margaret Beckett - Foreign Secretary and / or the Minister of Defence at

Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
King Charles Street
Ministry of Defence (MoD)
The Ministerial Correspondence Unit
Room 222
Old War Office
London SW1A 2EU

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