[un/loquer] esto cabe en nuestras conversaciones..."UnCollege.org"
Fabio Barone
holon.earth en gmail.com
Lun Abr 30 16:10:24 UTC 2012
Lo encontré siguiendo un blog de un man, que lo descrive asi:
UnCollege helps independent learners create their own higher education in
> the real world, succeed without a college degree, and change the world. In
> a traditional college setting, individuals easily lose the joy of learning
> amid lectures and theoretical perspectives. After years of this passivity,
> they are sapped of creative force at the beginning of their careers.
> However, UnCollegians see no separation between themselves and the world.
> Through self-designed projects and experiential learning, they truly engage
> in the world and learn from it — on their own terms.
> There is no profile of a typical UnCollege student. Individuals can use
> UnCollege to complement university experience, replace traditional
> education or further their education — at any age! Together these
> unstudents create an age-diverse and interest-diverse group dedicated to
> meaningful learning. By creating, completing, and evaluating their own
> curricula, UnCollege students claim ownership over their education. The
> learner defines her own higher education and won’t flounder when she must
> direct her own life. UnCollege is not for everyone: if you’re looking to
> complete college in your pajamas, you’re in the wrong place.
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