[un/loquer] about medellin map + calendario de eventos, ...

Pierre minutpapillon en gmail.com
Mie Dic 12 18:39:24 UTC 2012

buenos dias-tarde-noche !
(pardon pour la longueur du courrier)

as i like mixing time and space (i like

i was experimenting with :
node.js / ember.js / mapbox.js / google maps API
to build a simple map with geolocalised events (as list)
you can see it here, its very simple: (please do not public-share url)
src : https://github.com/pierrejdlf/memap

please test it and tell me what you think
when an event is added, location name is geolocated by googlemapsAPI....
but page needs refresh
events rows + marker on map are "rollover/click-linked"

i was also thinking about fetching/scraping events from
(i did not try agendaemergente.org :)
. quericomedellin
. ciudadseisgrados
. miradaurbana
. tuciuidadalternativa
. ...

but most of them have variable structure of html ... preventing automatic
scraping+parsing of events
(for info., using :
   . http://scraperwiki.com (python)
   . google speadsheet (parseHTML function)
   . google Refine (fetch by url)
    . chrome addon "Sraper"

... so, i guess the only way to populate the list is doing
it manually, adding events one by one (or by batch using well formatted
manual spreadsheet)

what do you think ?
quien quiere unas cervezitas mientras discutando de eso ?
shall we use it manually, expanding poco-a-poco la red de gente que añaden
infos ?
shall we transform it to show other datos (brolin!) ?

señoritas y señoritos, buen provecho

pierre.jdlf en gmail.com
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