[un/loquer] Instructables September Build Night w/ Lumi
brolin .
brolin108 en gmail.com
Lun Ago 5 20:02:53 UTC 2013
La fecha en la inscripción quedó para el sábado 21 de septiembre. Igual la
cambiamos, no hay problema con eso
On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 2:58 PM, brolin . <brolin108 en gmail.com> wrote:
> Ya solo quedan 12 espacios disponibles. Me voy a inscribir ya en cualquier
> fecha.
> Definamos fecha! yo voto por un sábado.
> Saluds
> -
> b
> On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 10:19 AM, María Juliana Yepes Burgos <
> mariajulianayb en gmail.com> wrote:
>> A los que tengan Facebook y quieran ver el álbum de fotos de la noche
>> creativa con sugru:
>> https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1747787232029152.1073741849.1712518508889358&type=3
>> 2013/8/1 Dirección platohedro <direccionplatohedro en gmail.com>
>>> de una, en Platohedro la repetimos y mejor!
>>> 2013/8/1 brolin . <brolin108 en gmail.com>
>>> No he leído bien pero para que no nos coja la tarde nuevamente.
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: Carley Jacobson <carley en instructables.com>
>>>> Date: Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 2:03 PM
>>>> Subject: Instructables September Build Night w/ Lumi
>>>> To:
>>>> Hello!
>>>> We have just announced our September build night with Lumi<http://lumi.co/>,
>>>> the creator of a new DIY alternative to screen printing which uses
>>>> photographic print dyes on textiles, and would love for your space to
>>>> participate!
>>>> Please keep in mind when signing up:
>>>> 1. This is a 2-part sign up - make sure to read the entire SIGN UP
>>>> section in the forum post.
>>>> 2. By signing up you are agreeing to post 2 Instructables from the
>>>> build night.
>>>> 3. You will need to host your event during a time with daylight for
>>>> the dye to work.
>>>> 4. Build Night Resources<http://www.instructables.com/community/Build-Night-Resources/>
>>>> Find event details and sign your space up for the September Build Night
>>>> here<http://www.instructables.com/community/September-Build-Night-with-Lumi/>.
>>>> There are 50 spaces available.
>>>> Have fun!
>>>> Cheers!
>>>> Carley
>>>> --
>>>> Carley Jacobson
>>>> Business Development, Instructables.com
>>>> Autodesk Consumer Products
>>>> instructables.com/carley
>>>> (e) carley en instructables.com
>>>> (m) 401.575.3163
>>> --
>>> Plataforma creativa audiovisual
>>> Conciliando la justicia y la libertad
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>> --
>> María Juliana Yepes Burgos
>> Comunicación Social - Periodismo
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