[un/loquer] Fwd: ACCEPTED - Instructables July Build Night

stencil malibu seliotoy en gmail.com
Lun Jun 17 23:05:24 UTC 2013

Ok. plantillas ortopédicas de cuenta de sugru y estencil malibu.

2013/6/17 brolin . <brolin108 en gmail.com>

> Hello!
>  You have been accepted into our July Build Night with sugru<http://www.instructables.com/community/JULY-2013-Build-Night-with-SUGRU/>!!
> We are extremely excited to have you participate and cannot wait to see
> what your space makes.
> Here are the basic details for how the build night works. Please read all
> steps.
>    1. We ship you several packets of sugru. The sugru will ship this week
>    and I will send you the tracking number of the package.
>    2. You host a build night on the selected date using sugru
>    3. Your spaces posts 5 Instructables using sugru from the build night.
>    You are allowed to replace one of those Instructables with a forum topic
>    about your event (ex. Noisebridge<http://www.instructables.com/community/Instructables-Build-Night-w-Bare-Conductive-Noi/>
>     and Makers Local 256<http://www.instructables.com/community/High-current-electronic-sword-fighting-fancy-dri/>).
>    So that comes out to 4 Instructables and 1 forum topic.
>    4. *Send me links to your Instructables through this form<https://docs.google.com/a/instructables.com/forms/d/1lg4g5E1_Z-DJ8r2yN0p0kEXbID4AasJj07Bce4txNE4/viewform>
>    .*
> Please let me know if you have any questions!
> Cheers!
> Carley
> --
> Carley Jacobson
> Business Development, Instructables.com
> Autodesk Consumer Products
> 82 2nd Street - San Francisco, CA 94105
> instructables.com/carley
> (e) carley en instructables.com
> (m) 401.575.3163
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