[un/loquer] Spectral Challenge:

Fabio Barone holon.earth en gmail.com
Mie Mar 13 16:26:00 UTC 2013

Una competición que se basa en el espectrometro, un dispositivo open source
que se puede hacer dyi para
medir contaminación de suelos, etc.


De toda forma yo iba a proponer el domingo (si pues habrá encuentro) que me
interesaría construir uno.

Spectral Challenge is a call to makers, hackers, and Do-It-Yourselfers
worldwide to tackle real-world environmental problems with low-cost, open
source spectrometry <http://spectralworkbench.org/>.

What if there were an affordable device you could build
take into your neighborhood and use to test for heavy metals, oil
contamination, or other toxics, without needing to have a PhD or access to
a lab?

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