[un/loquer] Apatia politica.

María Juliana Yepes Burgos mariajulianayb en gmail.com
Lun Nov 18 20:56:19 UTC 2013

Me permito complementar con un rap

2013/11/18 Rafael Vega <email.rafa en gmail.com>

> http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2013-11/18/peter-sunde-hemlis-political-apathy
> People who are disenchanted with politics and the financial system should
> try and engage with the democratic process rather than turn to technology
> for alternative methods of doing things, says Peter Sunde, cofounder of The
> Pirate Bay.
> --
> Rafael Vega
> email.rafa en gmail.com
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María Juliana Yepes Burgos
Comunicación Social - Periodismo
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